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34 Innovative Pillow Designs

From Jet-Lag Eliminating Pillows to Aspirating Robotic Cushions

— May 23, 2017 — Tech
If having a good night's sleep is something you only dream of, these innovative pillow designs may be the solution. While cold-retaining pillows are designed to keep the user cool at night, sunlight-simulating pillows mimic natural light for a gentler morning.

Individual sleep needs can vary from person to person so it is rational that companies are releasing products that can enhance a user's sleep experience on a customized basis. For example, there is even a pillow that ergonomically raises the user so their arm can rest under their head comfortably.

Now more than ever, there is no need to suffer from a poor night's sleep. These products work to make sure everyone can arise well rested and are easy to personalize, making them an ideal gift option.
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Libation Body Pillows
Libation Body Pillows
The Ishobin Sake Bottle Pillow is Modeled After the Real Product
Ergonomic Travel Pillow
Ergonomic Travel Pillow
The Sono Pillow Will Help You Sleep Like a Rock On the Plane
Pain Relief Travel Pillows
Pain Relief Travel Pillows
The Neck Sofa Foam Travel Pillow Provides Ergonomic Support Anywhere
Herbal Eye Pillows
Herbal Eye Pillows
The Namaste Navy Cushion Brings Relaxation to the Eyes With Lavender Stuffing
Antibacterial Cotton Pillows
Antibacterial Cotton Pillows
The Waikite Pillow is Supplied to Major Five Star Hotels
Hybrid Foam Bed Pillows
Hybrid Foam Bed Pillows
The Bear Pillow Contours to Your Neck and Head to Provide Perfect Support
Acne-Fighting Bedding
Acne-Fighting Bedding
This Healthy Bedding Aims to Improve the User's Skin Health
Sleep-Tracking Pillows
Sleep-Tracking Pillows
This Smart Pillow Analyzes the Slumber Patterns of Users
Aspirating Robotic Pillows
Aspirating Robotic Pillows
The Somnox Pillow Gently Mimics Inspiration to Help People Sleep
Pickled Vegetable Pillows
Pickled Vegetable Pillows
This Giant Body Pillow is Shaped Like a Gargantuan Brined PIckle
Cold-Retaining Pillows
Cold-Retaining Pillows
This Hydrologie Pillow Ensures a Cool and Comfortable Sleep
Jet Lag-Eliminating Pillows
Jet Lag-Eliminating Pillows
The 'E-Sleeping' Sleeping Pillow is Packed with Smart Technology
Face-Cradling Pillows
Face-Cradling Pillows
The 'FaceCradle' Can Support the Head and Neck in a Variety of Positions
Faux-Lace Plastic Pillows
Faux-Lace Plastic Pillows
The 'LACE' Pillow is Soft Like a Pillow While Looking Like Hollow Lace
Cushioned Chin Supports
Cushioned Chin Supports
This Comfortable Travel Pillow Functions as a Hammock for the Face
Low-Pressure Pillows
Low-Pressure Pillows
The 'Purple Pillow' Ensures That Sleepers Have Optimum Support
Eye Mask Travel Pillows
Eye Mask Travel Pillows
The 'Voyage Pillow' Travel Neck Pillows Ensure a Comfortable Trip
Adjustable Latex Pillows
Adjustable Latex Pillows
The Vita Talalay Latex Flex Pillow Suits Any Sleeping Position
Ergonomic Maternity Pillows
Ergonomic Maternity Pillows
The U-miss Maternity Contour Pillow Supports Mothers-to-Be
Sleep Imprint Pillow Art
Sleep Imprint Pillow Art
Maryam Ashkanian's Embroidered Pillows Feature Sleeping People Portrayals
Anti-Bacterial Pillows
Anti-Bacterial Pillows
Silvon Uses Silver-Coated Fibers to Prevent the Growth of Bacteria
Sunlight-Simulating Pillows
Sunlight-Simulating Pillows
This Alarm Clock Pillow Comes With 18 Different Built-In Features
Relaxing Aromatherapy Pillows
Relaxing Aromatherapy Pillows
This Pillow is Infused with Lavender Oil to Encourage Sleep
Copper-Infused Pillows
Copper-Infused Pillows
The PangeaBed Copper Pillow Boasts Anti-Bacterial Properties
Inflatable Eggplant Pillows
Inflatable Eggplant Pillows
The Aubergine Pillow is Great for Commuting and Traveling
Sleep-Inducing Pillows
Sleep-Inducing Pillows
Sleep Yoga's Cushions Are Ergonomic For The Back To Improve Slumber
Record-Breaking Luxury Cushions
Record-Breaking Luxury Cushions
The World's Most Expensive Pillow Promises Great Sleep for $57,000
Adjustable Smart Pillows
Adjustable Smart Pillows
The 'SleepSmart' Adjustable Pillow is for All Kinds of Sleepers
Malleable Travel Pillows
Malleable Travel Pillows
This Supportive Travel Pillow Can Reduce in Size for Easy Portability
Tech-Centric Travel Pillows
Tech-Centric Travel Pillows
This Travel Air Pillow Enables One to Rest While Using Their Phone
Stress-Reducing Pillows
Stress-Reducing Pillows
The 'Hygge' Comfort Pillow Encourages Cuddling to Reduce Anxiety
Inflatable Travel Sleep Pillows
Inflatable Travel Sleep Pillows
The 'APUS Relax' Inflatable Pillow Makes Travel Sleeping Better
Elevated Ergonomic Sleep Pillows
Elevated Ergonomic Sleep Pillows
The 'MedCline' Sleep Positioning Wedge Ensures All-Night Comfort