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25 Examples of Indian Tech Innovations

From Rapid-Capture Cameras to Non-Electric Food Storage

— May 25, 2016 — Tech
Whether it is affordable smartphones or live-saving medical devices, Indian tech innovations are increasingly changing lives in South Asia and abroad. Whether these products are created by startups or established companies, it is clear that Indian firms are quickly making a name for themselves in the tech industry.

One area that Indian tech firms excel in is making affordable versions of existing tech products. This includes everything from budget-friendly smartphones to affordable augmented reality headsets. These inexpensive devices help to make technology more accessible to consumers and they enable increased connectivity.

Beyond reinventing existing devices, a number of Indian firms are also working on innovative products related to accessibility. More specifically, a number of Indian startups are working on products that can help the visually impaired better navigate the world around them. Some examples of these products include audio-visual walking aids, vibrating footwear and braille smartphones.
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Brand-Specific Operating Systems
Brand-Specific Operating Systems
The 'Z3' Phone by Samsung Uses a Tizen-Powered Operating Platform
Inexpensive Augmented Reality Headsets
Inexpensive Augmented Reality Headsets
The Smart Cap Can Be Built Using Easily Available Parts
Rapid-Capture Cameras
Rapid-Capture Cameras
This Adventure Camera Lets You Capture Video Scenes Instantly
Extreme Low-Cost Smartphones
Extreme Low-Cost Smartphones
The 'Freedom 251' 3G Android Smartphone in India Costs $4
3D-Printed Jaws
3D-Printed Jaws
This 3D-Printed Jaw Was Made For An Indian Cancer Patient
Mobile Wi-Fi Sticks
Mobile Wi-Fi Sticks
MTS' Mblaze Ultra is Optimized for High Speed Data Services
Iodine-Laced Bindis
Iodine-Laced Bindis
The 'Life Saving Dot' Could Help Improve the Health of Rural Indian Women
Self-Juicing Batteries
Self-Juicing Batteries
This Battery Uses Light to Charge Itself Up
Voice Recognition Banking
Voice Recognition Banking
The Offering From Icici Bank Enables Hands-Free Banking for Customers
Membrane Water Filters
Membrane Water Filters
This Water Filter System Was Developed By Indian Scientists
Robotic Braille Dicta-Teachers
Robotic Braille Dicta-Teachers
This Cheap Braille Display Will Improve Literacy in Indian Slums
Bird Deterrent Devices
Bird Deterrent Devices
This Mechanized Gadget Prevents Birds from Landing or Roosting Around It
Connected Vehicle Accessories
Connected Vehicle Accessories
The Raksha SafeDrive Enhances Vehicular Safety Exponentially
Self-Serve Luggage Stations
Self-Serve Luggage Stations
India is Unveiling Automated Baggage Counters at Airports
Wifi-Providing Trash Cans
Wifi-Providing Trash Cans
These Smart Garbage Bins Reward People For Keeping Public Spaces Tidy
Cloud-Connected Scooters
Cloud-Connected Scooters
The S340 is the First Smart Scooter Developed In India
Audio-Visual Walking Aids
Audio-Visual Walking Aids
Hi-Tech Cane Attachment Helps the Blind Navigate Through Indian Streets
Braille Smartphones
Braille Smartphones
This Braille Phone is Designed By An Indian Start-Up
Motion Capture Sportswear
Motion Capture Sportswear
The Tracky Apparel Uses Motion Sensors to Assess Your Performance
Compact Compressable Bikes
Compact Compressable Bikes
The Kit Bike is a Compact Bike Design That Folds Up into a Bag
Vibrating Visually-Impaired Footwear
Vibrating Visually-Impaired Footwear
The Lechal Initiative Helps the Blind Feel their Direction
Portable Washing Machines
Portable Washing Machines
The 'Venus' Contraption Turns Buckets Into Washing Machines
Alternative Pedal-Powered Washers
Alternative Pedal-Powered Washers
An Indian Teenage Girl Invented a Non-Electric Washing Machine
Economical Single-Seat Helicopters
Economical Single-Seat Helicopters
This Personal Helicopter Design Allows Flyers to Avoid Delays
Non-Electric Food Storage
Non-Electric Food Storage
The Mitti Cool Clay Fridge Prevents Food Waste in Developing Countries