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44 High-Tech Pillows

From Soothing Pillow Speakers to Musical Travel Pillows

— November 23, 2013 — Art & Design
These high-tech pillows are creatively combining relaxing home decor with technological features, making them products that this tech-savvy generation will surely appreciate.

When it comes to kicking back after a long day at work, resting upon a pillow or cushion is often a great way to release stress, and these high-tech pillows are offering ways to relax that also combine practical technological features. With the use of digital technology making tasks and functions much quicker and easier for most people, combining high-tech features into your bedroom decor is just another example of technology seeping into ordinary items.

From remote-controlled cushions to pillows that play music and hold tablets, these high-tech items are providing some technologically clever ways to relax.
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Breast-Accommodating Body Pillows
Breast-Accommodating Body Pillows
This Chest Pillow's Design is Sure to Please Women
Comforting Cushion Phones
Comforting Cushion Phones
The Willcom Pillow Phone Gives Pillow Talk New Meaning
DIY Weight-Tracking Seats
DIY Weight-Tracking Seats
The Wii Diet Chair Lets Users Play off the Pounds
Anti-Snoring Bear Cushions
Anti-Snoring Bear Cushions
Sleep Tight and Quietly on the 'Jukusui-kun Pillow'
Camera Lens Pillows
Camera Lens Pillows
A Nikon-Inspired Pillow is a Great Gift for Photographers
Cozy Pulsating Cushions
Cozy Pulsating Cushions
The Vibrating Pillow Comforts and Massages Your Face While You Sleep
Soft Tablet Cushions
Soft Tablet Cushions
The ePillow for iPads is the Ultimate Bed for this Apple Gadget
Comfy Cushion Controllers
Comfy Cushion Controllers
Pillow Remote Controls are the Ultimate in Convenience
Comfortable Robotic Cushions
Comfortable Robotic Cushions
'intelliPillow' by Innvo Labs Adjusts Depending on Sleeping Position
Comfy Cooling Plushes
Comfy Cooling Plushes
The Polar Pillow Will Lull You to Sleep in No Time at All
Low-Resolution Cushions
Low-Resolution Cushions
Add a Nerdy Decoratative Touch With the Pixel Pillow
Controllable Couch Pillows
Controllable Couch Pillows
Cushion Control from Droog Design are Actual TV Remotes
Clear Illuminating Cushions
Clear Illuminating Cushions
The Pillow Light by Marleen Kurvers Brightens the Bedroom
Music Player Pillows
Music Player Pillows
The Boombox Speaker Cushion has a Dual Function
Couch Cushion Tablet Cases
Couch Cushion Tablet Cases
The TyPillow is Perfect for Intense Tablet Users and Narcoleptics
Conveniently Pocketed Cushions
Conveniently Pocketed Cushions
The MYPILLOW by Odosdesign Offers Perfect Tablet Storage
Cuddly Music Critters
Cuddly Music Critters
The Swoop iPhone Pillow Holds Your Tunes in Its Tummy
Alarm Clock Cushions
Alarm Clock Cushions
The Sony Pillow Wakes People Up Depending on What Sleep Cycle They Are In
Musical Travel Pillows
Musical Travel Pillows
The Moonflex Music Flexible Pillow Will Sing You to Sleep
Bluetooth Pillow Phone
Bluetooth Pillow Phone
Computerized Pillows
Computerized Pillows
Snore-Prevention Pillows With Automated Head Support
Air Purifying Cushions
Air Purifying Cushions
The Cellular Pillow by Qing Ji Ensures Best Sleep Possible
Musically-Inclined Pillows
Musically-Inclined Pillows
The Century Sound Pillow Gives Your Dreams Their Own Soundtrack
Gigantic Gadget Cushions
Gigantic Gadget Cushions
The iPad Pillow Takes the Apple Obsession a Few Steps Further
Napping While Tapping
Napping While Tapping
QWERTY Keyboard Pillow For The True Computer Addict
Pillows With a Pulse
Pillows With a Pulse
My Beating Heart
Wireless Smartphone Docking Cushions
Wireless Smartphone Docking Cushions
The DT-901 Recharge Pillow Recharges Your Phones Effortlessly
Pillow Remotes
Pillow Remotes
Never Look for Your Remote Control Again with this Handy Creation
Portable Pillow Music
Portable Pillow Music
Mu Space Provides Convenient Comfort on the Go
Sleeping Bag-Like Tablet Totes
Sleeping Bag-Like Tablet Totes
The CampFire Case is Fashionable Warm and Approachable
Sleeping Pillow Speakers
Sleeping Pillow Speakers
Have Sweet Musical Dreams with the 'Sound Asleep Pillow'
Plush Gadget Perches
Plush Gadget Perches
Get Cozy with the eComfort Tablet Pillow
Comfy Tablet Cases
Comfy Tablet Cases
The Incase iPad Lounge Case Makes iPad Use Easy, Even While on the Couch
Wireless Throw Pillow Camera
Wireless Throw Pillow Camera
Remote Control Pillows
Remote Control Pillows
TV Bedding
Music-Playing Neck Pillows
Music-Playing Neck Pillows
These Cushion Headphones are Perfect for Traveling Long Distances
Cushioned Ipad Cases
Cushioned Ipad Cases
The iPad Pillow Case is a Relaxing Tablet Tote
Soothing Pillow Speakers
Soothing Pillow Speakers
The Soft Sound Speakers are Perfect for Watching TV in Bed
Computer-Warmed Pillows
Computer-Warmed Pillows
Hug the Adorable USB Animal Warm Cushion Until Toasty
Glowing Pillow Case
Glowing Pillow Case
Wake With Light
Camera Lens Cushions
Camera Lens Cushions
The Plushtography Pillow Encourages Kodak Moment Cuddling
Cozy Tablet Cushions
Cozy Tablet Cushions
Cushi iPad Pillow Makes You and Your iPad Comfortable
Protective Baby Pillows
Protective Baby Pillows
Cocoon by Elodie Delassus Filters Noise and Germs for Sleeping Newborns
Glow-in-the-Dark Bedding
Glow-in-the-Dark Bedding
Screen Printed Pillowcases Illuminate the Night
Wavering Wake-Up Headrests
Wavering Wake-Up Headrests
The Jeong 'Alarm Pillow' Will Soundly Rouse Your Snooze