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23 Gadget Gifts for Seniors

From Face-Dialing Phones to Motion Sensor Walkers

— December 24, 2014 — Life-Stages
If you are looking to get your grandma or grandpa something useful this holiday season, then these gadget gifts for seniors will definitely offer up some high-tech options.

While retirees and senior citizens may not be as prone to using technology as modern millennials are, there is no harm in introducing ways to integrate technology into their life. And these examples of gadget gifts provide more practical solutions that will help aid seniors in their day-to-day lives.

From high-tech walking canes that feature GPS technology to custom smartphones that feature large and easy-to-read text and imagery, these gifts for seniors will definitely have those of an older generation pleasantly surprised as to how beneficial modern tech gadgets can really be.
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Knitted Sensor Technology
Knitted Sensor Technology
Yen Chen Chang's Conductive Yarn Can Cozily Control Electronic Machines
High-Tech Newspaper Holders
High-Tech Newspaper Holders
Jung von Matt Used a Digital Gimmick to Launch Neuer Zürcher Zeitung
Senior Communication Apps
Senior Communication Apps
BigHappyInbox's Technology for Seniors Simplifies Emails, Photos & News
Intuitive Senior Smartphones
Intuitive Senior Smartphones
The Doro Liberto 820 is a User-Friendly Phone for the Elderly
Accurate Microphone Hearings Aids
Accurate Microphone Hearings Aids
The ‘Wear’ is an Effective Portable Hearing Assistant
Elderly Life-Logging Apps
Elderly Life-Logging Apps
Sensara is an App for the Elderly That Spots Unusual Activity
Appliance-Monitoring Systems
Appliance-Monitoring Systems
The Smart Power Adaptor Notifies Relatives of Seniors' Routines
Medical Assisting Droids
Medical Assisting Droids
The ED-7270 Robot Provides Much Needed Support in Hospitals
Help-Providing Pendants
Help-Providing Pendants
This Smart Emergency Response Device Keeps the Elderly Connected
Future-Forward Walking Sticks
Future-Forward Walking Sticks
The Isowalk is Ergonomic and Features Wireless Connectivity
Robotic Dog Walkers
Robotic Dog Walkers
The Luna Personal Robot by SchultzeWORKS Will Take Your Pup Around the Block
Face-Dialing Phones
Face-Dialing Phones
A Phone for Seniors Lets You Scan Pictures to Call People
Senior-Targeted Smartphones
Senior-Targeted Smartphones
This Fujitsu Smartphone is Providing Easier Access to Communication
Elderly Security Walkers
Elderly Security Walkers
The Zap Cane Provides Mobility and Safety
Light Up White Canes
Light Up White Canes
Sign by Shruti Nivas Glows Green or Red Depending on Actions
Trekking Photographer Canes
Trekking Photographer Canes
The Trinity Two-in-One is a Multitasking Tool for the Artistic Hiker
Lifesaving Walking Sticks
Lifesaving Walking Sticks
The Survival Crutch Equips Climbers with Vitals for Health and Safety
Safety-Improving Mobility Aids
Safety-Improving Mobility Aids
The Sentry Scientific Walker is Turning Heads at CES 2014
GPS-Equipped Walking Canes
GPS-Equipped Walking Canes
This Device Comes with a Built-In Tracker to Help Ensure Elderly Safety
GPS Walking Sticks
GPS Walking Sticks
The Sonicane 2.0 Lets the Blind Guide Themselves
Senior Strollers
Senior Strollers
Braun by Andre Monteiro Will Make Mobility Easier for the Elderly
Electric Walking Frames
Electric Walking Frames
Murata Manufacturing Develops a Self-Balancing Walker for Seniors
Motion Sensor Walkers
Motion Sensor Walkers
The Light Stick Helps the Blind