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41 Tech Gifts For Parents

From Baby-Analyzing Diapers to Picky Eater Projectors

— November 20, 2014 — Life-Stages
If you're looking to buy gifts for parents, especially those with younger children, you might want to consider getting them a gadget or other tech-infused product that will help make their lives smoother.

Parenting is stressful, especially when your kids are really young and you constantly have to worry about their health, safety and general well-being. But thanks to technology, some of the burden of parenting can now be alleviated at very little cost.

Baby monitors are the classic example of parenting tech, but modern technology goes far beyond that. If your friend or relative has a child who is hyper-energetic and given to exploring and running away, they would certainly appreciate a child-tracking wristband or gadget.

There are a number of other gifts for parents that will help make their parenting experience less stressful and more fulfilling.
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Intimate Message Cams
Intimate Message Cams
Personalized Memo Recorders Film Affectionate 30-Second Notes to Loved Ones
Parental Control Apps
Parental Control Apps
Ensure Your Child Always Answers Your Calls with the Ignore No More App
Multi-Tasking Diaper Caddies
Multi-Tasking Diaper Caddies
The Ultimate Caddy Can Carry Your Tablet and Baby Accessories
Precise Baby Formula Machines
Precise Baby Formula Machines
Eliminate the Guesswork of Making Baby Formula with the Formula Pro
Balanced Activity Toys
Balanced Activity Toys
Samsung's Smart Toys Balance Technology with Physical Activities
Child-Tracking Smartbands
Child-Tracking Smartbands
The Sync Smartband Helps You Keep Track of Wandering Kids and Adults
Baby-Bump Sound Systems
Baby-Bump Sound Systems
The BellyBuds Allows Your Baby to Listen to Music While in the Womb
Parental Stress-Monitoring Apps
Parental Stress-Monitoring Apps
The ParentGuardian System Helps Parents of Children with ADHD
Child-Controlling Computers
Child-Controlling Computers
The MiiPC Puts All the Power In the Hands of Parents
Trackable Baby Bottles
Trackable Baby Bottles
The Sleevely Baby Bottle Monitors Your Child's Feeding Habits
Child Forgetting Alarms
Child Forgetting Alarms
This App and Alert System Prevents Parents from Leaving Kids in Cars
GPS-Tracking Children's Watches
GPS-Tracking Children's Watches
The hereO Watch Lets You Track Your Kid's Every Move
Breath-Monitoring Baby Clothes
Breath-Monitoring Baby Clothes
The Fraunhofer IZM Romper Suit Helps Prevent Sudden Infant Death
Child Fitness Wristbands
Child Fitness Wristbands
KidFit Designed the X-Doria Watch to Get Kids Excited about Fitness
Web-Connected Infant Weighers
Web-Connected Infant Weighers
The Withings Smart Baby Scale Communicates with Your Computer
Cutesy Kid-Finders
Cutesy Kid-Finders
The 'Mommy I'm Here' Child Locator is a Trackable Teddy Alert
Powerful Child Trackers
Powerful Child Trackers
The Yepzon Child Tracker Can Track Lost Children From Any Distance
Kiddie Phone-Watches
Kiddie Phone-Watches
The Tinitell Phone Watch for Kids Keeps Kids Safe and Parents in the Loop
Mobile App Baby Monitors
Mobile App Baby Monitors
The My Evoz iPhone App Keeps Tabs on Your Toddler for You
Baby-Analyzing Diapers
Baby-Analyzing Diapers
The 'Smart Diaper' Can Be Scanned to Provide Health Insights
Versatile Baby Monitors
Versatile Baby Monitors
'Good Night Charly' is a Multipurpose Baby Monitoring Device
Coastal Kid-Locating Apps
Coastal Kid-Locating Apps
The Harvey Swim Harness Tracks Whereabouts and Vital Signs for Parents
Smart Sock Baby Monitors
Smart Sock Baby Monitors
Parents Stay Informed on Infant Vitals with this Owlet Baby Care Monitor
Musical Pregnancy Attire
Musical Pregnancy Attire
The Pregnancy Music Belly Band Brings Beats to Your Baby
Pregnancy-Imitating Belts
Pregnancy-Imitating Belts
This Baby Simulator Allows Fathers to Experience Pregnancy
Toddler-Tracking Teddies
Toddler-Tracking Teddies
Tedi is a Hi-Tech Toy That Keeps an Eye on a Child's Development
Internet-Connected Infant Onesies
Internet-Connected Infant Onesies
The Intel Smart Turtle Warms Hearts at CES 2014
Sleep-Easy Baby Monitors
Sleep-Easy Baby Monitors
Be Worry-Free with the Snuza HALO Infant Breathing Movement Baby Monitor
Child-Tracking Wristbands
Child-Tracking Wristbands
Lineable is a Smart Child Tracker Device That Makes Use of Beacon Tech
Protective Parent Smartwatches
Protective Parent Smartwatches
AT&T Will Offer a Child-Tracking Filip Smartwatch to Customers
Kid-Connecting Wi-Fi Toys
Kid-Connecting Wi-Fi Toys
Toymail's Animal WiFi Walkie-Talkie Features an Animal-Inspired Design
3-in-1 Communication Devices
3-in-1 Communication Devices
VIVOplay by Evado Filip Keeps Parents and Children in Touch
Baby Physiological Trackers
Baby Physiological Trackers
The Sproutling Monitor Predicts Babies' Habits for Parental Awareness
Wearable Infant Monitors
Wearable Infant Monitors
Jakk's Baby Watch Provides Parents With an Easy Way to Care for Tiny Ones
Sleeping Infant Supervisors
Sleeping Infant Supervisors
Angel Care Monitor Constantly Scritunizes Baby's Bedroom Environment
Mommy Media Holders
Mommy Media Holders
The Texthook Keeps Moms Connected While On the Go
Picky Eater Projectors
Picky Eater Projectors
MUGU by Ruixiao Design Helps Children Eat Healthy
Child-Locating Footwear
Child-Locating Footwear
The Colorful Chip-Embedded GPS Shoes Help Parents Keep Track of Their Kids
Collaborative Child-Tracking Devices (UPDATE)
Collaborative Child-Tracking Devices (UPDATE)
The 'Guardian' is a Secure Way to Find Lost Children
Infant Health-Monitoring Wristbands
Infant Health-Monitoring Wristbands
The Baby's Fairy Monitors Body Temperature and Vital Signs
Protective Baby Pillows
Protective Baby Pillows
Cocoon by Elodie Delassus Filters Noise and Germs for Sleeping Newborns