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23 Geeky Ice Trays

From Geeky Gamer Coolers to Galactic Globe Chillers

— March 8, 2013 — Art & Design
One of the best parts about the weather getting warmer is the ability to enjoy cool drinks outdoors, and if you're looking to spice up the process of serving drinks, then these geeky ice trays are a great way to add some quirkiness to an otherwise average routine.

While traditionally ice cubes are often square-shaped with little visual appeal, these geeky ice trays rather feature cool and eclectic designs that reference everything from Sci-Fi movies to underwater sea creatures. Opting for these quirky designs allow individuals to have some fun with their drinks. Cooling your friend's drink with ice cubes that resemble Batman will surely illicit a smile or even some laughter.

From ice cube molds that are shaped like dinosaurs to those that resemble 8-bit characters, these adorably geeky designs are perfect for any gamer enthusiast looking to add a touch of personality to their drinks.
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Frosted Navy Trays
Frosted Navy Trays
Beware, the Battleship Ice Cube Tray May Launch an Icy War
Frosty Androids
Frosty Androids
The Chillbots Robot Ice Tray is Like an Icy Drink Machine
Mathematical Frozen Ice Trays
Mathematical Frozen Ice Trays
The Pi Symbol Ice Cubes Mix Math and H2O to Stimulate Your Mind
Geeky Gamer Coolers
Geeky Gamer Coolers
Stay Chilled During Heat Waves with the Space Invaders Ice Tray
Light-Up Ice Cubes
Light-Up Ice Cubes
A Cool way to Heat up the Night
Vigilante Beverage Coolers
Vigilante Beverage Coolers
The Batman Ice Cube Tray Serves Cold Drinks Dark Knight Style
Brick Toy Freezing Trays
Brick Toy Freezing Trays
The LEGO Man Ice Cubes Make Your Beverages More Playful
Frozen Sea Creature Cubes
Frozen Sea Creature Cubes
The Octopus Ice Tray is Great for Themed Summer Parties
Icy Dino Cubes
Icy Dino Cubes
Delight Your Drinks with Dinosaur Ice Trays
Manga-Inspired Ice Cubes
Manga-Inspired Ice Cubes
One Piece Ice Trays Keep Your Drinks Chilled and Awesome at the Same Time
Brain Beverage Coolers
Brain Beverage Coolers
Brain Freeze Ice Cubes Will Keep Your Zombie Friends Happy
Sci-Fi Dessert Molds
Sci-Fi Dessert Molds
The Darth Vader Cake Pan Will Make Your Treats Nerdy and Fun
Ice Cube Webs
Ice Cube Webs
The IceBlok Filters Out Ice Chunks When Taking Big Gulps
Titanic Beverage Infusers
Titanic Beverage Infusers
The TEA.tanic Tea Bag Holder is Iconic
Medieval Ice Cubes
Medieval Ice Cubes
The Swords Ice Tray Takes Your Drinks Back to the Dark Ages
Galactic Globe Chillers
Galactic Globe Chillers
The Star Wars Death Star Silicone Ice Cube Tray is Geeky Cool
Denture Ice Cubes
Denture Ice Cubes
Frozen Smiles
Antarctic Animal Ice Cubes
Antarctic Animal Ice Cubes
The 'Polar Ice' Molds are Charmingly Chilly
Sinking Titanic Ice Cubes
Sinking Titanic Ice Cubes
Gin and Titonic
Spherical Ice Molds
Spherical Ice Molds
The Williams-Sonoma Japanese Ice Maker Will Blow Your Mind
Gangster Ice Cubes
Gangster Ice Cubes
The Freeze! Pistol Ice Tray Pops a Few Rounds to Cool Drinks
Skeletal Drink Chillers
Skeletal Drink Chillers
The Skull Ice Cube Mold Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Killer Ice Cubes
Killer Ice Cubes
The AK 47 Bullet Ice Cube Tray