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30 Geeky Baked Goods

These Deliciously Dorky Desserts are Sure to Please

— December 13, 2012 — Special
Adding a dorky touch to your baking practices is easy with this collection of geeky baked goods. Baking takes a keen eye and a lot of patience, which is exactly why the self-described geeks out there are sure to go gaga over these delicious desserts.

There are a handful of creations that are fashioned after the Star Wars movies like the Han Solo Cookies, or the Boba Fett Sugar Cookies. Other confectionery creations include gamer-inspired treats and others that are made to resemble electronic devices. While the latter might not be truly geeky, the Labcutter Cookies are made to resemble items you'd find in a lab including beakers, atoms and molecules.
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