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20 Playful Gadget Cleaners

From Dessert-Shaped Keyboard Cleaners to Self-Cleaning USB Sanitizers

— June 2, 2013 — Tech
Many people want their smart phones, tablets or keyboards in mint condition to prolong the gadgets’ lifespans—these gimmicky gadget cleaners are a funky way to add zest to a chore as dull as cleaning.

Oil smears on phones can be wiped clean with the Smartklear by Lenspen. It uses a professional-grade compound that gets rid of all smudges on touch screens in just one swipe.

Also try using UV light to zap off bacteria, ‘Germ Genie’ by Falcon Innovations kills roughly 3,295 microbes per square inch. It’s motion-censored so that it automatically shuts off the UV light when someone begins to type. This sanitizing bulb turns back on to action when the keyboard isn’t in use.

There are neat sprays, wipes and sanitizing lights on the market that will keep your gadgets in optimal shape.
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UV-Cleansed Mobile Devices
UV-Cleansed Mobile Devices
Phonesoap Phone Cleaner is Armed with Sun Technology to Kill Bacteria
Roomba-Like Device Cleaner
Roomba-Like Device Cleaner
The Automee-S by Takara Tomy Automatically Polishes Touchscreens
Smartphone Screen Clearers
Smartphone Screen Clearers
Smartklear by Lenspen Removes All the Oily Smudges from a Tech Screen
Robotic Gadget Wipers
Robotic Gadget Wipers
The Auto Mee S is an Automated Smartphone Screen Cleaner
Computer-Cleaning Caddies
Computer-Cleaning Caddies
The Techlink Keepit Clean is a Complete Toolkit for Tidying Electronics
Emoticon Gadget Wipers
Emoticon Gadget Wipers
Undust Screen Cleaners are a Cute Way to Clean Dusty Tech
Delicious Computer Cleaners
Delicious Computer Cleaners
The Elecom Sweet Cleaner Cake Series Looks Good Enough to Eat
Non-Chemical Keyboard Cleaners
Non-Chemical Keyboard Cleaners
The Hurricane 2 Canless Air System Blasts Away Dirt
Fragrant Gadget Wipes
Fragrant Gadget Wipes
Elecom Scented Touchscreen Cleaners Turns Your iPad into Faux Flowers
Effortless Glass Scrubbers
Effortless Glass Scrubbers
The Papagio Mechanical Sweeper Reaches the Bottom of the Bottle
Plush Gadget Cleaners
Plush Gadget Cleaners
The Koala Screen Wipe Makes Your Tablets Fresh
USB Sanitizers
USB Sanitizers
The Tocsy Toothbrush Cleaner Sterilizes Your Brush at Your Desk
Kill Germs With UV
Kill Germs With UV
Halo Vacuum Uses UV-C Rays
Germaphobe iPhone Cleaners
Germaphobe iPhone Cleaners
Violight Germ Eliminating Smartphone Sanitizer
Microfiber Maps
Microfiber Maps
Rand McNally Waterproof 'fabMAP' Doubles as Handkerchief and Screen Cleaner
Bacteria-Obliterating Accessories
Bacteria-Obliterating Accessories
The 'Germ Genie' Zaps Unclean Communal Keyboards
Germ-Revealing Ultraviolet Sanitizers
Germ-Revealing Ultraviolet Sanitizers
The Influenza Saver Sterilizes Electronics
Camouflaged Keyboard Cloths
Camouflaged Keyboard Cloths
The Type Wipe Keyboard Covers Protect Computers from Dust and Dirt
Dust-Busting Mittens
Dust-Busting Mittens
The Ariete Magic Glove Vacuum is Convenient Cleaning at Your Fingertips
Triple-Action Cleaning Contraptions
Triple-Action Cleaning Contraptions
Scrubbie Mop Features a Trio of Functions to Expunge Any Mess