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21 Examples of Fun Utensils for Kids

From Slingshot Silverware to Construction Site Utensils

— January 14, 2014 — Life-Stages
Getting your kid to eat can be a Herculean task regardless if they're a baby or a little bit older, hopefully these fun utensil ideas can help entice your little one to eat his or her baby food or semi-solids.

The latest phenomena when it comes to encouraging children to eat what's on their plate or to "open wide" (if they're a baby) is making meal time more fun in the hope of getting kids to engage with what they're eating. Companies are designing utensils that are more fun than the boring cutlery you or I grew up with.

Whether it's fingertip utensils, cute animal baby spoons or robotic utensils, today's fun utensils showcase bright colors and creative designs
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Robotic Infant Utensils
Robotic Infant Utensils
These Baby Chow Bots are Futuristic and Child-Friendly
Anchored Infant Crockery
Anchored Infant Crockery
The Stay Put Set Keeps Baby's Bowl and Cutlery Fixed to the Table
Adorably Scenic Meal Settings
Adorably Scenic Meal Settings
The Landscape Dinner Set by Doiy Design is Interactive and Cute
Slingshot Silverware
Slingshot Silverware
The Catapult Spoon May Turn Dining Rooms into Battlefields
Fingertip Puppet Cutlery
Fingertip Puppet Cutlery
Finger Sporks by Archie McPhee Will Redefine How You Eat Food
Tongue-Loving Utensils
Tongue-Loving Utensils
The Lickety Spoon Brings Playfulness to the Dinner Table
Precious Animal Baby Spoons
Precious Animal Baby Spoons
These Quirky Spoons are a Fun Way to Get Kids to Eat Their Food
Playful Palatial Plates
Playful Palatial Plates
The Castle Dinner Set Makes Your Every Meal Fit for a King
Anti-Bacterial Utensils
Anti-Bacterial Utensils
Silver Spoon Kills Germs Without Using Harmful Chemicals
Wildly Animaltastic Utensils
Wildly Animaltastic Utensils
The Children's Cutlery and Dinner Set by Hyomi Kim & Seulgi Kim
Playful Toy-Like Utensils
Playful Toy-Like Utensils
Get Imaginative When Feeding Your Child with the Donkey Baby Spoon
Construction Site Utensils
Construction Site Utensils
'Constructive Eating' Kit Includes Bulldozer, Forklift and Front Loader
Lego-Like Dishware
Lego-Like Dishware
Placematix Wants Kids to Eat, Play and Learn
Fun Utensils
Fun Utensils
Airfork One
Coloring Cutlery
Coloring Cutlery
Have Oodles of Fun Doodling at Dinner With the Peter Dalton Foodle Set
Squirt Spoons
Squirt Spoons
Easily Feed Your Baby on the Go
Marionette Meal Utensils
Marionette Meal Utensils
The Puppets Cutlery Set Encourages You to Play with Your Food
Green Thumb Cutlery
Green Thumb Cutlery
The Constructive Eating Garden Utensil Set is for Shoveling in Food
Connectable LEGO Cutlery
Connectable LEGO Cutlery
The Snack & Stack Utensil Set Keeps Spoons and Forks Together
Child-Appropriate Multi-Tools
Child-Appropriate Multi-Tools
The Kids Swiss Army Knife Supports Safety and Adventure