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100 Festive Halloween Decor Ideas

From Spooky Skull Wall Decals to Modern Art Pumpkins

— October 1, 2013 — Art & Design
The beginning of October usually signifies the countdown to Halloween, and these festive Halloween decor ideas are offering homeowners some creatively spooky options for decking out their home in style.

Halloween can be a very fun and festive holiday. It gives both children and adults the opportunity to just let loose, dress up and above all else eat lots of candy and chocolate! And just like any other holiday, it also offers the chance to revamp your home decor with exciting new items. These Halloween decor ideas range from such things as carefully detailed pumpkins to scary skull wall decals and insect-shaped illuminators, making any home come alive with Halloween spirit.

A great way to transform your home into a spooky, Halloween house, these festive decor ideas will definitely add a frightful touch to any space.
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Spooky Spider Sink Plugs
Spooky Spider Sink Plugs
The 'I’m A Celebrity' Arachno Plug is a Creepy Halloween Accessory
Devilish Voodoo Platters
Devilish Voodoo Platters
The Ex Tray is a Cheeky Entertaining Accessory
Festive Celebratory Center Pieces
Festive Celebratory Center Pieces
Domestic Daddy's 'Stylish Holiday Arrangement' is Spirited
Animated Pumpkin Videos
Animated Pumpkin Videos
The Stop Motion Pumpkin Carving Short Film is Brilliant
Spiny Halloween Decorations
Spiny Halloween Decorations
The Skull Tangler is Sure to Frighten Halloween Goers
Halloween Wine Glasses
Halloween Wine Glasses
Jason Lanzoni Designs Spooky Dishware for Themed Parties
Pump-Tapped Pumpkins
Pump-Tapped Pumpkins
Make Your Halloween Extra Happy with a Pumpkin Keg
Refreshment-Holding Gourd
Refreshment-Holding Gourd
The Pumpkin Beverage Tub is Practical Halloween Decor
Waxy Blood Illuminators
Waxy Blood Illuminators
The Bleeding Skull Candle Would Look Great at a Halloween Seance
Skeletal Snow Globes
Skeletal Snow Globes
The Bounty Hunter Skull-Kun Snow Dome is Cute & Creepy
Zombie Cookie Trinkets
Zombie Cookie Trinkets
The Zombreads Would Make the Perfect Halloween Gift
Artsy Office Supply Pumpkins
Artsy Office Supply Pumpkins
The Thumbtack Pumpkin Tutorial is a Cheap Way to Create Glamor
Eerie Cadaverous Lighting
Eerie Cadaverous Lighting
This Lifesized Skull Lamp Amps the Spookiness in Halloween Decor
Cookie-Brained Containers
Cookie-Brained Containers
The Zombie Head Cookie Jar Will Have You Engaging in Cannibalism
Spooky Skeletal Lighting
Spooky Skeletal Lighting
This X-Ray Lamp is a Creepy Accessory Perfect for Halloween
DIY Wind-Up Jack o' Lanterns
DIY Wind-Up Jack o' Lanterns
Make Your Own Musical Pumpkins
Haunting Seasoning Shakers
Haunting Seasoning Shakers
Add a Spooky Feel to Your Table with the Skull Salt and Pepper Jars
Skeletal Toilet Cleaners
Skeletal Toilet Cleaners
This Skull Toilet Brush Makes Bathroom Cleansing More Fearsome
Eerie Ocular Decor
Eerie Ocular Decor
Fire Up a Halloween Freak Fest by Burning a Bloody Eyeball Candle
Enticing Ghoulish Condiments
Enticing Ghoulish Condiments
Use the Eyeball Salt and Pepper Shakers to Spice Up a Meal
Burial Ground Candles
Burial Ground Candles
The Graveyard Shift Halloween Candle Holder is Uber-Spooky
Spooky Dessert Displays
Spooky Dessert Displays
The Zombie Hand Cupcake Stand Will Add Some Spook to Your Halloween Decor
Melting Rainbow Jack-O-Lanterns
Melting Rainbow Jack-O-Lanterns
The Drip Crayon Pumpkin Tutorial is the Artsy Answer to Halloween
Princess-Inspired Carriage Rings
Princess-Inspired Carriage Rings
The Cinderella Pumpkin Carriage Teacup Ring is an Adorable Keepsa
Creepy Crawly Home Decor
Creepy Crawly Home Decor
The 'Lit Twig Giant Spider' by Pottery Barn is Surprisingly Tasteful
Halloween-Themed Dioramas
Halloween-Themed Dioramas
Christopher Boffoli's Pumpkin Carvers Boasts Hard-Working Little People
Ghostly Illumination
Ghostly Illumination
The Soothingly Ghoulish Kaspa Light by Ilsa Parry for Halloween
Slithering Door Accessories
Slithering Door Accessories
Martha Stewart's Animated Snake Wreath is Perfect for Halloween
Cartoon Villain Carvings
Cartoon Villain Carvings
The Krang O' Lantern is a Spooky Watermelon and Pumpkin Hybrid
Spooky Haunted Hanging Decor
Spooky Haunted Hanging Decor
Protect Your House with Homemade Charmed Ghost Wreaths
Creepy Couture Cushions
Creepy Couture Cushions
The Vintage Skull Pillow Cover is a Great Accessory for a Haunted House
Spookily Skeletal Wine Openers
Spookily Skeletal Wine Openers
The Skeleton Corkscrew Flails as You Dig Into the Bottle
Scary Skull Seating
Scary Skull Seating
The Remember You Will Die Chair by Pool is Absolutely Morbid
Pumpkin-Shaped Oranges
Pumpkin-Shaped Oranges
The Disney Family Fun Snack-O-Lantern is a Healthy Dessert
Spooky Gamer-Inspired Ornaments
Spooky Gamer-Inspired Ornaments
Celebrate the Holidays with Some Halloween Yard Decorations
Powerful Pumpkin Speakers
Powerful Pumpkin Speakers
Blast Some Spooky Music on the Hand-Carved Pumpkin Sound System
Halloween Cake Molds
Halloween Cake Molds
This 3D Pumpkin Container Makes Cute Confections
Morbid Door Knockers
Morbid Door Knockers
This Unusual Door Knocker is Scary and Skull-Shaped
Fashionable Gourd Tutorials
Fashionable Gourd Tutorials
The DIY Lace Pumpkins Will be the Most Chic Designs on the Block
Sci-Fi Halloween Pumpkins
Sci-Fi Halloween Pumpkins
The Glow-in-the-Dark Death Star Pumpkin is Perfectly Painted
Sinister Drink Coolers
Sinister Drink Coolers
The Inflatable Skeleton Cooler is the Perfect Item for Halloween
Halloween Pyro Pumpkins
Halloween Pyro Pumpkins
Flamethrowing Jack-O'-Lantern Lights Up Epically
Intricate Vegetable Sculptures
Intricate Vegetable Sculptures
Marilyn Sunderland Sculpts Gourds into Vegetable Art
Deformed Flower Holders
Deformed Flower Holders
The Porcelain Altered Face Vase Makes for Scourged Stem Storage
Newspaper Printed Pumpkins
Newspaper Printed Pumpkins
The Decoupage Pumpkin is Great for News Hungry Halloween Lovers
DIY Chic Jack-O-Lanterns
DIY Chic Jack-O-Lanterns
For the Coolest Halloween Pumpkin Try Funky Ombre Pumpkins
Gruesome Anatomy Illuminators
Gruesome Anatomy Illuminators
The Brain Candle is the Perfect Spooky Halloween Light
Ghostly Luminescent Bottles
Ghostly Luminescent Bottles
These Spooky Ghost Lamps are Made from Wine Bottles and String Lights
Spooky Door Wreaths
Spooky Door Wreaths
The Dear Nicole Halloween Wreaths Can Scare Trick-or-Treaters
Horrific Doll Decorations
Horrific Doll Decorations
This Creepy Halloween Garland Channels Old Hollywood Horror Films
Creepy Clawed Lighting
Creepy Clawed Lighting
The Barnacle Ceiling Lamp is Inspired by the Half-Life Video Game
Symbolic Skull Lighting
Symbolic Skull Lighting
The Studio Baag Skull Light Produces a Spiritual Dim Glow
Super-Sized Halloween Decorations
Super-Sized Halloween Decorations
The Gutter Hanging Ghost is One of the Largest Halloween Ghosts
Creepy Canine Collars
Creepy Canine Collars
Halloween Dog Collars by Sweetie Pie Collar Supply are Festively Freaky
Star Wars Treat Servers
Star Wars Treat Servers
The Darth Vader Candy Bowl is a Nerdy Way to Give Out Halloween Candy
Luxe Leather Pumpkins
Luxe Leather Pumpkins
Alexander Lamont Turns Nature's Textures into Luxury Artwork
Scary Skateboard Shelves
Scary Skateboard Shelves
Skullhouse Skull-Covered Wall Art Lets You Honor Halloween Year-Round
Skeletal Desk Accessories
Skeletal Desk Accessories
The Skullhub USB is a Spooky Stationary Holder
DIY Halloween Decor Designs
DIY Halloween Decor Designs
Turn Your Tiny Pumpkins into Creative Jack-O-Lantern Candles
Skeletal Drinkware
Skeletal Drinkware
The Skellington Skull and Crossbones Decanter Set is Badass
Sinister Halloween Mugs
Sinister Halloween Mugs
The Creepy Cups Will Serve Up Your Morning Coffee in a Spooky Way
Creepy Cadaverous Candelabras
Creepy Cadaverous Candelabras
The Skull Pendant Light Gives a Goulish Glow
Personified Pumpkin Decorations
Personified Pumpkin Decorations
This Posable Pumpkin Gives Your Pumpkin More Than Just a Face
Super Heroic Pumpkin Sculptures
Super Heroic Pumpkin Sculptures
The 'The Thing' Jack-o-Lantern is a Creative Halloween Project
Cartoony Halloween Melons
Cartoony Halloween Melons
These Ninja Turtle Watermelon-o-Lanterns are Righteous
Skeletal Dinnerware
Skeletal Dinnerware
The Left Eye Right Eye Collection by Phoebe Richardson is Bone-Chilling
Retro Vampire Gourd Carvings
Retro Vampire Gourd Carvings
The Barnabas Collins Pumpkin Has an Uncanny Johnny Depp Resemblance
Hyperrealistic Pumpkin Carvings
Hyperrealistic Pumpkin Carvings
Andy Bergholtz Creates Spectacular Gourde Masterpieces
Teen Dracula Gourds
Teen Dracula Gourds
The Vampire Diaries Pumpkin Will Make Teens Scream
Simple DIY Skeletal Decor
Simple DIY Skeletal Decor
Build the Papercraft Skeleton for a Fun Halloween Activity
DIY Studded Pumpkins
DIY Studded Pumpkins
Eddie Borgo Puts Signature Look on Halloween Staple
Mummified Pumpkin Carvings
Mummified Pumpkin Carvings
Mr. Mummy Pumpkin is More Exotic Than Other Halloween Decor
Gory Light Switch Panels
Gory Light Switch Panels
The Custom Halloween Monster Light Switch Plates are Gruesome
Spooky Skull Wall Decals
Spooky Skull Wall Decals
Add Some Fright to Your Home in Seconds with This Seasonal Decor
Macabre Halloween Dishes
Macabre Halloween Dishes
Give Your Guests a Spooky Surprise with This Gloomy Skull Plate
Couture Gourd Carvings
Couture Gourd Carvings
Refinery29 Fashion Pumpkins Give Halloween a Much-Needed Makeover
Spinal Cord Candles
Spinal Cord Candles
The Sorcerer's Candle is a Tribute to the Last Harry Potter Film
Luminous Skeletal Lighting
Luminous Skeletal Lighting
Kelly Lamb's Skull Chandelier Looks Like it is Falling in Slow Motion
Spooky Skeletal Doorknobs
Spooky Skeletal Doorknobs
An LED Crystal Skull Handle is Perfect for Inviting Demonic Guests
DIY Wine Bottle Pumpkins
DIY Wine Bottle Pumpkins
Recycle Your Alcoholic Beverages to Make Ghostly Halloween Decorations
Extreme Halloween Photoshopping
Extreme Halloween Photoshopping
Worth1000 Jack O' Lantern Contest
Spooky Holiday Door Decorations
Spooky Holiday Door Decorations
The Red Robyn Lane Halloween Wreath Collection is Festive
Whimsical Fruit Hats
Whimsical Fruit Hats
Boston Beanie Knits Mouthwatering Hats From Organic Cotton
Modern Art Pumpkins
Modern Art Pumpkins
From Louis Vuitton to Graffiti-Inspired Jack-o'-Lanterns
Geektastic Halloween Carvings
Geektastic Halloween Carvings
Tech-Themed Pumpkins Get You Inspired for the Holiday
Glamorous Foodtography
Glamorous Foodtography
Paul Lowe Makes Food Styling Resemble High Fashion Shoots
Hippie-Inspired Jack-O-Lanterns
Hippie-Inspired Jack-O-Lanterns
This Retro Pumpkin Highlights the 1960s Volkswagen Van
Expressive Jack-O-Lanterns (UPDATE)
Expressive Jack-O-Lanterns (UPDATE)
Ray Villafane Seems to Bring His Pumpkins to Life
Nerdy Pumpkin Creations
Nerdy Pumpkin Creations
Funny Pumpkin Carvings Celebrate the Nerd in All of Us
Pocket Monster Pumpkin Carvings
Pocket Monster Pumpkin Carvings
Nerdy Neighborhoods Will Love Pokemon Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns
Extreme Pumpkins
Extreme Pumpkins
Coolest Carvings & Contests
DIY Paper Jack-O'-Lanterns
DIY Paper Jack-O'-Lanterns
Recycled Book Pumpkin Decorations are Halloween Decor without the Mess
Submerged Hand Coffee Cups
Submerged Hand Coffee Cups
These Halloween Mugs Will Spook Unsuspecting Guests
Villain Pumpkin Carvings
Villain Pumpkin Carvings
Festive Tributes to the Eerie Halloween Season
Spooky Interior Design
Spooky Interior Design
Style at Home Shows Off Some Scary Halloween Decor Tricks
Movement-Inducing Wall Stickers
Movement-Inducing Wall Stickers
These Halloween Wall Decals are Perfect for Any Party
Jack-O-Lantern Inspiration Sites
Jack-O-Lantern Inspiration Sites
Walyou Pumpkin Carvings Spark Ghoulish Ideas
Stars Wars Pumpkins
Stars Wars Pumpkins
Spooky Sith-O-Lanterns
Spooky DIY Halloween Decor
Spooky DIY Halloween Decor
Haunted House Silhouettes Will Terrify Trick-or-Treaters