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20 Feminine Furniture Pieces

From Modern Modest Seating to French Maid Furniture

— May 27, 2011 — Art & Design
Look guys, let's face it. If you are living with a woman, she probably chose 95% of the furniture in your house. You can thank the lovely lady in your life for her tasteful furniture choices that fit both of your lives.

This next collection of furniture items may, however, have a more feminine taste. Not many macho men would be a huge fan of the items you are about to see, but they may very well be everything that a woman would dream of. Taking inspiration from feminine products such as heels, skirts and even dolls, these items are as feminine as it gets.

From feminine footwear furniture to lamp-fitted loveseats, these wicked features are sure to appeal to those ultra girly ladies.
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Lamp-Fitted Loveseats
Lamp-Fitted Loveseats
The Bigbaboll Altamoda Italy by Fabio Luciani Shines a Light on Quirky Style
Contemporary Couple Basins
Contemporary Couple Basins
The Vitruvit His & Hers Sinks Make Sharing Easier
Ballerina Tabletops
Ballerina Tabletops
The Anna Spiro Tutu Tulle Desk is a Fun Piece of Office Furniture
Feminine Table Lighting
Feminine Table Lighting
Italamp's Capri and Voici Lamps ars Modeled After Women's Clothing
Sea Creature Seating
Sea Creature Seating
The Anemone Armchair by Giancarlo Zema is Colorful and Comfortable
Feminine Laundry Carriers
Feminine Laundry Carriers
The Ruffle Laundry Bag is Perfect for Every Household's Princess
Feminine Footwear Furniture
Feminine Footwear Furniture
The Stiletto Table Seems Inspired by Christian Louboutin
Pepto Bismol Powder Rooms
Pepto Bismol Powder Rooms
Marco Poletti Vanities are Pretty in Pink
Feminine Fences
Feminine Fences
DEMAKERSVAN Add Lace to the Traditional Chain-Link Design
Metal Lace Chairs
Metal Lace Chairs
The Kate Rider Chair is a Perfect Blend of Masculinity and Femininity
Doily Decor
Doily Decor
Frilly and Lacy Interior Design Pieces Selected by Heather Garrett
High-Heeled Alcoholders
High-Heeled Alcoholders
The GiftedGrape Stiletto Wine Holder is a Feminine Find
French Maid Furniture
French Maid Furniture
Peter Jakubik's Designs Reflect Sexy Motel Antics
Female Form Minimalism
Female Form Minimalism
The Pryor Callaway Odalisque Simplifies Feminine Curves
Modest Modern Seating
Modest Modern Seating
Artdesign Studio Tsesler & Voichenko's Neat Living Chair
Confectionery Furniture
Confectionery Furniture
A Store in Lithuania Creates an Entire Chocolate Dining Room
Studded Rainbow Seats
Studded Rainbow Seats
The Gothic Chairs by Studio Job are Playfully Cartoonish
Dolled Up Foosball Tables
Dolled Up Foosball Tables
'Barbie Foot' is a New Take on Classic Soccer Fun
Floral Wall Decals
Floral Wall Decals
Modern Feminine Decor from Todo Lifestyle
Sleek Shelved Seating
Sleek Shelved Seating
The Slim Sofa by Stephane Perruchon is Perfect for Space-Saving Rooms