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Top 30 Photography Trends in February

From 360-Degree Neckbands to Futuristic Streaming Sunglasses

— February 24, 2018 — Tech
While its true that one can take a picture if they want it to last longer, the February 2018 photography trends show that technology is changing rapidly — in other words, a picture might not last as long as was once assumed. With advancements in photography, picture formats are changing at a blistering pace, let alone the different media through which people now consume images in general.

One of the common threads throughout the February 2018 photography trends is the rise of life-logging. Portended by the rise of vlogging and even constant updates on Instagrams, life-logging simply takes the next step and broadcasts every single second of people's daily lives. Several different companies have released special cameras designed for this type of use, such as neck-worn 360-degree camera and even HD cameras embedded directly into stylish sunglasses.
Reborn Iconic Film Cameras
Reborn Iconic Film Cameras
Kodak's Super 8 Camera is a Modern Revival of an Iconic Camera
Stabilized Selfie Sticks
Stabilized Selfie Sticks
The Feiyu Vimble 2 is Both a Smartphone Gimbal and a Selfie Stick
Photographer-Protecting Platforms
Photographer-Protecting Platforms
This Rights Management Platform Uses Cryptocurrency for Fairness
Portable Wireless Gimbals
Portable Wireless Gimbals
The SteadXP Stabilizer is an Affordable Gimbal That is All Electronic
Perfected Selfie Smartphones
Perfected Selfie Smartphones
HTC's U11 Eyes is the Ideal Phone for Taking Selfies
Neckband 360-Degree Cameras
Neckband 360-Degree Cameras
The FITT360 Uses Three Cameras for Comprehensive Footage Capture
Analog Anniversary Cameras
Analog Anniversary Cameras
The Lomo 25th Anniversary LC-A+ is Crafted with Premium Materials
Photographer-Trained AI Cameras
Photographer-Trained AI Cameras
Google Clips AI Breaks Down Good Photography into an Algorithm
Noise-Reducing Camera Drones
Noise-Reducing Camera Drones
Yuneec's Latest Camera Drone Makes Less Noise & Takes Better Photos
Pattern-Changing 3D Prints
Pattern-Changing 3D Prints
MIT CSAIL Created ColorFab to Cut Down on Material Waste & Curb Buying
Retro-Inspired Video Cameras
Retro-Inspired Video Cameras
The 'D4H' Concept Mirrorless Camera Looks Like a Super 8 Film Camera
8K 360-Degree Cameras
8K 360-Degree Cameras
The 'Pilot Era' from Pisofttech Shoots High-Res 3D Footage
Bespoke 3D-Printed Gold
Bespoke 3D-Printed Gold
The Precious Project Produces Custom 3D Printed Jewelry in the UK
Flat Camera Lenses
Flat Camera Lenses
Harvard Researchers Developed Tiny, Flat and Inexpensive 'Metalenses'
Real-Time Processing 3D Cameras
Real-Time Processing 3D Cameras
The Intel 'RealSense' Cameras Add 3D Capabilities to Projects
Multi-Camera Livestreaming Apps
Multi-Camera Livestreaming Apps
Startup Cinamaker is a Mobile Studio for Content Creators
Detachable Indoor Cameras
Detachable Indoor Cameras
The New Hive View Indoor Camera by Yves Behar is Sleek and Magnetic
Portable Performance Drones
Portable Performance Drones
The Mavic Air is a Powerhouse Drone that is Compact and Portable
Sealed Silicone Lens Caps
Sealed Silicone Lens Caps
The KUVRD Universal Lens Cap Prevents Damage Out in the Field
Futuristic Streaming Sunglasses
Futuristic Streaming Sunglasses
These Ace Eyewear Sunglasses Can Livestream Directly to Facebook
4K Camera Marine Drones
4K Camera Marine Drones
The 'PowerDolphin' Works Seamlessly Above and Below the Waves
Decaying Social Media Art
Decaying Social Media Art
The 'Social Decay' Series Depicts Crumbling Social Media Logos
Wearable 3D Content Cameras
Wearable 3D Content Cameras
The 'Jedeye' 3D Wearable Camera Captures Stereo Footage Seamlessly
Constantly Recording Cameras
Constantly Recording Cameras
The Time Machine Camera Constantly Records to Capture Missed Moments
Second Generation Selfie Drones
Second Generation Selfie Drones
Compact Selfie Drone 'AirSelfie 2' Was Unveiled at This Year's CES
360-Degree Neckband Cameras
360-Degree Neckband Cameras
The 'FITT360' Wearable Camera Seamlessly Records Experiences
Selfie Ball Party Cameras
Selfie Ball Party Cameras
Hypno Documents Your Event and Formats It for Social Media Use
Luxurious Fashiontech Editorials
Luxurious Fashiontech Editorials
Harper's Bazaar Embraces Tech and Couture in a Futuristic Series
Miniature Vehicle Dash Cameras
Miniature Vehicle Dash Cameras
The YI Compact Dash Cam Records Footage in Crisp HD
Transforming Autonomous Photography Drones
Transforming Autonomous Photography Drones
The 'PITTA' 4K Selfie Drone is Multifunctional