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Top 30 Science Ideas in February

From Robotic Martian Scouts to Revolutionary Asthma Vaccines

— February 22, 2015 — Tech
The winter season is the perfect time to focus on health, which is exactly what many of the examples in this collection of February 2015 science ideas touch on. Of course, health is a recurring concern in the field of science, yet asthma and allergies is a current theme that ties in with the upcoming weather transition into spring.

In addition to health,a theme of exploration runs through the collection of February 2015 science ideas. Specifically, space exploration. With new robots created to scout Mars and virtual technology to grant people an otherworldly experience, scientists are continuing to push the boundaries of their research. There is even a workshop by the European Space Agency addressing the need to clean up the Earth's orbit.
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Backpack Blood-Pumping Devices
Backpack Blood-Pumping Devices
The Freedom Driver Lets Heart Failure Patients Go About Their Lives
3D-Printed Turtle Prosthetics
3D-Printed Turtle Prosthetics
This 3D-Printed Prosthesis Was Implanted Onto Stumpy the Turtle
Orbit-Cleaning Workshops
Orbit-Cleaning Workshops
The European Space Agency Wants to Clean Up Low-Earth Orbit
Martian Vegetation Projects
Martian Vegetation Projects
The #LettuceOnMars Project Aims to Grow Lettuce On Mars By 2018
Reusable Suborbital Rockets
Reusable Suborbital Rockets
The Starscraper is a Cheap and Reusable Suborbital Rocket
Cuttlefish-Inspired Robots
Cuttlefish-Inspired Robots
The Sepios Omnidirectional Robot is Inspired By the Cuttlefish
Algae-Mapping Underwater Vehicles
Algae-Mapping Underwater Vehicles
This Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Spots Algae Underneath Ice
Peanut Allergy-Eliminating Patches
Peanut Allergy-Eliminating Patches
The Viaskin Peanut Allergy Cure Sensitizes Patients to Peanuts
Revolutionary Asthma Vaccines
Revolutionary Asthma Vaccines
Scientists Are Making a Break-Through with a New Vaccine for Asthma
Virtual Seabed Tours
Virtual Seabed Tours
GE is Putting Together a Virtual Tour of Futuristic Seabed Factories
Virtual Planetary Explorations
Virtual Planetary Explorations
The OnSight Software Will Let Researchers Explore Mars Virtually
Robotic Martian Scouts
Robotic Martian Scouts
The Mars Helicopter is a Solar-Powered Robotic Explorer
Artificial Knee Ligaments
Artificial Knee Ligaments
Scientists are Engineering Man-Made Anterior Cruciate Ligaments
Microsatellite Internet Projects
Microsatellite Internet Projects
OneWeb Will Use 648 Satellites to Provide Global Internet Access
Volcano-Exploring Robots
Volcano-Exploring Robots
NASA's VolcanoBot 2 Will Teach Us More About Volcanoes
4D-Printed Frocks
4D-Printed Frocks
This 3D-Printed Dress Assumes Another Dimension When Hinged for Movement
Allergen-Inhibiting Asthma Treatment
Allergen-Inhibiting Asthma Treatment
The Scientist-Developed Inhalable Powder Takes a New Approach
Shark Teeth Chainsaws
Shark Teeth Chainsaws
The Jawzall's Blade is Covered in Shark Teeth
Temporary Diabetic Tattoos
Temporary Diabetic Tattoos
This Temporary Tattoo Lets Diabetics Monitor Their Glucose Levels
Kid-Friendly Sting Remedies
Kid-Friendly Sting Remedies
The Bee-Patch Bee Sting Treatment is Safe for Children to Use
3D-Printed Lawn Mowers
3D-Printed Lawn Mowers
This Lawn Mower Was Built Using a Custom-Made 3D Printer
3D-Printed Genetic Glues
3D-Printed Genetic Glues
This Medical 3D Printing Innovation Aids the Creation of Organs
Vampire Bat Drones
Vampire Bat Drones
The DALER Prototype Drone Can Scope Out Inaccessible Areas
Water-Harnessing Towers
Water-Harnessing Towers
Warka Water Will Harness Drinking Water From the Air
Hearing-Assisting Mouthpieces
Hearing-Assisting Mouthpieces
This Mouth Hearing Aid Transmits Words By Buzzing Users' Tongues
Medical Scan Fashion
Medical Scan Fashion
Knits by Brooke Roberts Turn Medical Imagery into Chic Patterns
Electronics-Building 3D Printers
Electronics-Building 3D Printers
The Voxel8 3D Printer Can Blend Electronics and Plastics
Window-Monitoring Chips
Window-Monitoring Chips
This Radio Sensor Chip Reminds You To Shut Your Window
Disposable Drone Prototypes
Disposable Drone Prototypes
This Biodegradable Drone Concept is Made Out of Mushroom Materials
Smart Modular Microfarms
Smart Modular Microfarms
These Connected Greenhouse Create Rooftop Gardens in Urban Areas