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54 Eco-Friendly Bathroom Accessories

From Carved Bamboo Bath Mats to Suds-Saving Robots

— August 8, 2013 — Eco
If you're looking to infuse some creative sustainable methods into your home decor, then these eco-friendly bathroom accessories will offer up some great ideas on how to give back to the planet.

Incorporating eco-friendly methods into your daily lifestyle isn't the easiest of tasks, it often requires dedication and patience in choosing to participate in activities that may end up taking slightly longer or be more of a hassle than ordinary products. From bathroom nozzles that are creatively designed to save and conserve water to recycling shower systems and bamboo bath mats, these eco-friendly bathroom accessories are allowing individuals to go through their daily hygienic activities in a more sustainable manner.

Since showering and bathing is often a common everyday activity, these eco accessories and fixtures are a great way to infuse a more sustainable approach on a daily basis.
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Suds-Saving Robots
Suds-Saving Robots
The Re-Q Turns Waste Water and Soap Slivers into New Bars
Solar-Powered Bathing Systems
Solar-Powered Bathing Systems
The 'RAINywhere' Shower is Made Almost Entirely of Solar Panels
Laundry-Encouraging Basins
Laundry-Encouraging Basins
The Blink Sink by Sanindusa Brings Back the Hand Washing Tradition
Half-Sized Bathroom Wipes
Half-Sized Bathroom Wipes
The Hoogee Toilet Paper is More Environmentally Conscious
Arctic Bird Nozzles
Arctic Bird Nozzles
Go Eco with the SustainableSolution Penguin Faucet
Waste-Saving Washrooms
Waste-Saving Washrooms
The Trilet 2.0 Restroom Collects Detritus for Sustainable Reuse
Water-Recycling Washrooms
Water-Recycling Washrooms
The Jang Woo-seok 'Eco Toilet' Uses Environmentally Friendly Flushes
Energy-Creating TP
Energy-Creating TP
The Kinetic Pillet Toilet Roll Holder Serves as a Washroom Lamp
Sightless Soap Spouts
Sightless Soap Spouts
The Eco Pump Smart Dispenser Cleanses With Reusable Soap
Psychedelic Tech Taps
Psychedelic Tech Taps
Christopher Yang's Digital Faucet Indicates Temperature With Colors
Potty Paper Solutions
Potty Paper Solutions
On-Site Recycling Converts Used Office Paper to Toilet Paper
Eco Chic Bathroom Fixtures
Eco Chic Bathroom Fixtures
The Posh Plus Wash Basin Preserves Water
Timber Mosaic Tubs
Timber Mosaic Tubs
The Stone Pixel Soaker Marries Glossy Crystalplant with Textural Wood Grain
Seesaw Bathroom Fixtures
Seesaw Bathroom Fixtures
Han Chanhee Creates a Stylish Water-Saving Faucet
Green Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
Green Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
"These Come from Trees" Stickers
Clench-Controlled Faucets
Clench-Controlled Faucets
Blue Whales Shower Heads Deliver Increased Pressure with a Tighter Grip
Upcycled Toilet Paper Cores
Upcycled Toilet Paper Cores
The 'Day Re' by Kim Ji-eun is a Bathroom Memo Pad
Carved Bamboo Bath Mats
Carved Bamboo Bath Mats
The Teak Bath Mat by ToiletFree is Made from a Sustainable Resource
Most Eco-Friendly Tech Toilet
Most Eco-Friendly Tech Toilet
Toshiba SCS-S510 is Heated
Aqua-Saving Systems
Aqua-Saving Systems
The EcoVea Shower Reduces Water and Energy Use But Not Flow
Biodegradable Plastic
Biodegradable Plastic
EcoGen Bathroom Products
DIY Toothbrush Holders
DIY Toothbrush Holders
Make Your Own Bathroom Accessories From an Old Mouse
Curled Leaf Urinals
Curled Leaf Urinals
The Washbasin & Urinal Facilitates a Natural Transition of Two Fixtures in One
Water-Saving Nozzles
Water-Saving Nozzles
The Water & Time Tap Attachment is an Aqua Blocker for Reducing H2O Waste
Eco Shower Air Conditioners
Eco Shower Air Conditioners
The EcoCool System Deligates Two More Useful Uses for Used Water
Smart Sustainable Water Faucets
Smart Sustainable Water Faucets
The Koolhaus Tap Monitors Water Consumption
Compact Recycling Water Closets
Compact Recycling Water Closets
This Eco Bathroom Concept Reduces H2O Consumption
Geometric Bathtubs
Geometric Bathtubs
The 'Ceva' Tub Brings Mathematical Accuracy to Bubble Baths
Water-Saving Showers
Water-Saving Showers
'Shower Brake' by Sang-In Lee & Dae Hyun Kim Uses Hourglass-Like Alerts
Chic Composting Cans
Chic Composting Cans
The Dry WC Waterless Toilet Makes Eco Johns Appealing
Living Breathing Bathrooms
Living Breathing Bathrooms
The AMKK House Vision Washroom Promises Prime Natural Ventilation
Detachable Nozzle Urinals
Detachable Nozzle Urinals
The Moveable Urinal is Ideal for Men with Limited Mobility
Cork Washbasins
Cork Washbasins
Sustainable, Durable and Beautiful Bathroom Decor
Plant-Feeding Urinals
Plant-Feeding Urinals
'When Nature Calls' Lets You Grow Greenery With Your Urine
Futuristic Bathroom Fixtures
Futuristic Bathroom Fixtures
The Sshower Concept Provides Entertainment and Eco-Friendly Operation
Multifunctional Eco Urinals
Multifunctional Eco Urinals
Men Can Pee and Wash at the Same Stand to Save Time and the Earth
Eco-Friendly Portable Restrooms
Eco-Friendly Portable Restrooms
Never Worry About Running Water with the Solar-Powered Toilet
Portable Paper Toilets
Portable Paper Toilets
Dang Jingwei's Loo Lets You Go Wherever Nature Calls
Water-Cleaning Soakers
Water-Cleaning Soakers
The Roca Eco Zonda Bathtub Greatly Reduces Consumption
Eco Pod Bathrooms
Eco Pod Bathrooms
The Home Core Integrated Toilet is Eco-Conscious
Recycling Bath Systems
Recycling Bath Systems
The Aquabox Shower by Massimo Brugnera Reuses Gray Water
Lush Planter Showers
Lush Planter Showers
The Phytobalneum Recycles Gray Water to Feed Your Living Fixture
Booze Bathroom Decor
Booze Bathroom Decor
The Wine Cork Bath Mat is the Perfect Do it Yourself Project
Water Cycle-Inspired Showers
Water Cycle-Inspired Showers
Helder Rodrigues' Recycle Water Eliminates Bathroom Water Waste
Fun Eco Faucets
Fun Eco Faucets
The Chanhee Han 'Seesaw' Faucet Dispenses Soap and Limits Water Use
Sink-Toilet Hybrids
Sink-Toilet Hybrids
The Tandem Urinal Makes Going to the Bathroom Super-Efficient
Shallow Sudsing Soakers
Shallow Sudsing Soakers
The FLOU Foaming Bathtub Keeps the Water Warm
Cocoon Bathtubs
Cocoon Bathtubs
The Marco Tallarida Tub Design Offers Relaxing Natural Embrace
Green Mossy Bath Mats
Green Mossy Bath Mats
This Moss Bath Mat Brings the Great Outdoors to Any Bathroom
Beer Cap-Tiled Floors
Beer Cap-Tiled Floors
Protecting the Environment with Beer Caps is One Way of Being Eco-Friendly
Ecosystem Showers
Ecosystem Showers
Jun Yasumoto's Phyto-Purification Bathroom Filters & Recycles Water
Urinal-Toilet Hybrids
Urinal-Toilet Hybrids
The Natura Toilet Performs Many Functions to Save More Water
Water-Saving Bathrooms
Water-Saving Bathrooms
Jang WooSeok's 'Eco Bath System' Sends Sink Water to Toilet
Toilet Tank Aquariums
Toilet Tank Aquariums
Save Water with the Eco-friendly Fish 'n Flush