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26 Earnest Emoticon Uses

From Geeky Apologies to Instant Messaging Keyboards

— August 12, 2012 — Fashion
This collection of earnest emoticon uses shows how an integral aspect of instant messaging has crossed over from the social media scene into other aspects of everyday life.

Often, tone is not properly transmitted through text or instant message. The use of smileys and emoticons are so clutch in ensuring both parties are communicating on the same page, not to mention some of them are so cute and spot-on in relaying expression. For these reasons, these charming characters have been remixed for the real world, appearing as finger rings, on underwear, decorating shower curtains and even as stamps.

The transformation of the emoticon is an example of one feature that is exclusive to computer technology (like the 8-bit design or the photoshop toolbar) that is being brought into the realm of the 3D world through product design or graffiti street art.
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Emoticon-Enhanced Dictionaries
Emoticon-Enhanced Dictionaries
The Oxford English Dictionary Gets New Symbols and Catchphrases
Emoticon Book Cases
Emoticon Book Cases
The Alexi McCarthy 'Face Shelving' Design Resembles Smilies
Emoticon-Inspired Rock Decorations
Emoticon-Inspired Rock Decorations
The Katers Acres 'CITRUS' Collection is Zesty & Fun
Smeared Portrait Campaigns
Smeared Portrait Campaigns
The Nu-Way Weiners Pop Culture Ads are Comical Defacements
Emoticon-Inspired Tableware
Emoticon-Inspired Tableware
The Patterned Smile Plates Take Cues from Virtual Imagery
Winking Flash Drives
Winking Flash Drives
Active Media Products Use Sarah Palin for 'Wink' USB Ad
Personalized Emoticon Paintings
Personalized Emoticon Paintings
The Infamous Painted Series 'Happyplz' Internet Icons
Inked Smileys
Inked Smileys
These Emoticon Rubber Stamps by Gingami are Adorable
Instant Messaging Keyboards
Instant Messaging Keyboards
The Emoticon Keyboard Bacjca Lets You Send a Smile in Seconds
Milk Industry Brands an Emoticon
Milk Industry Brands an Emoticon
Emotion-Tracking Calendars
Emotion-Tracking Calendars
The 'How was your day?' Calendar by Brigada Creativa is Simply Cute
On-Demand Emoticons
On-Demand Emoticons
The Kaoiro Emoticon Stamp Puts Smiley-Faced Handstamps to Shame
Adorable Objecting Eyewear
Adorable Objecting Eyewear
The Optical Awesome 'Look of Disapproval' Glasses Coolly Condemn
Singing Holiday Emoticons
Singing Holiday Emoticons
'Emoticarolers' Deliver Personalized Christmas Carols
Concrete Office Creations
Concrete Office Creations
REconstruction Updates Number Crunching Devices
Emoticon Rings
Emoticon Rings
Punctuation Rings Let You Express Feelings With Your Fingers
Emotion-Sensitive Bags
Emotion-Sensitive Bags
LadyBag Helps the Forgetful
Emoticon Love Stories
Emoticon Love Stories
Illustrator Miss Tal Tells the Tale of Our Computer Counterparts
Emotional Bathroom Accessories
Emotional Bathroom Accessories
The Emoticon Shower Curtain is a Texting Tutorial
Internet-Inspired Customized Jewelry
Internet-Inspired Customized Jewelry
The Bajca Emoticon Keyboard
Geeky Apologies
Geeky Apologies
Don't Say 'I'm Sorry,' 'Ctrl Z' is Much Better
Expressive Smiley Emoticons
Expressive Smiley Emoticons
The Caldwell Tanne 'What You Text vs What I See' Series is Hilarious
Emoticon Fashion
Emoticon Fashion
Clixwear Lets You Wear Your Smiley Face on Your, Um, Sleeve
Superhero Emoticon Portraits
Superhero Emoticon Portraits
Circle-Faced Character Pop Art by Andy Awesome
Earbuds for Tweens
Earbuds for Tweens
Emoticon iPhone Cases
Emoticon iPhone Cases
The iLuv iPhone 4 Cases are Colorful and Fun