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22 Donut-Shaped Decor

From Hollow Donut-Shaped Seating to Donut Rinsing Dishes

— May 17, 2013 — Art & Design
Anyone with a sweet tooth for pastries will certainly have their eyes drawn towards these donut-shaped decor items, which humorously resembles the shape of the much beloved sugary treat.

Donuts are one of those must-have items when it comes to enjoying a morning coffee or tea, their soft texture and sugary glaze is something that both children and adults enjoy. Creating pieces of furniture and decor that physically resembles these donut treats is a fantastic way to relate that satisfying eating experience into your home decor. From minimalist donut-shaped air monitors to spherically hollow seating designs, these food-inspired items are the perfect option for any home owner who wants to infuse some lighthearted fun into their home.
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Square Donut-Shaped Subwoofers
Square Donut-Shaped Subwoofers
The Sonos Sub is Sleek and Wireless
Inflated Air Quality Monitors
Inflated Air Quality Monitors
Scout by Gregory Hayter Searches for Mold Inside Buildings
Hollow Donut-Shaped Seating
Hollow Donut-Shaped Seating
A Cotton in the Air by Jeilpark Appears to Defy Physics
Independent Aqua-Releasing Pots
Independent Aqua-Releasing Pots
The Joey Roth Self-Watering Planter Saves Lives
Donut-Shaped Air Purifiers
Donut-Shaped Air Purifiers
The PlusMinusZero Humidifier Version 3 is Sleek and Simple
Donut-Shaped Dishes
Donut-Shaped Dishes
The Bagel Plate Enables You to Eat One-Handed with a Cup Sitting Snugly Inside
Curved Cuisine Cutters
Curved Cuisine Cutters
The LucidiPevere Normann Copenhagen Circular Kitchen Knife
Donut-Shaped Aqua Filters
Donut-Shaped Aqua Filters
The Vitamin Water Purifier by Yena Lee Boasts a Futuristic Aesthetic
Purifying Feline Feeders
Purifying Feline Feeders
The Donut-Shaped Electric Fountain for Cats Delivers the Cleanest Drink
Donut-Shaped Teapots
Donut-Shaped Teapots
The Qettle Kettle Helps a Weak Wrist Pour its Contents
Donut Water Purifers
Donut Water Purifers
The Kiba Design H2Go Replaces Plastic Bottles
Angle-Less Power Sockets
Angle-Less Power Sockets
The Donut Outlet Lets You Plug in from Any Direction
Ringed Martini Mixers
Ringed Martini Mixers
The Hurricane Cocktail Maker Serves a Scrumptious Experience for Every Sense
Paper-Crafted Pinwheels
Paper-Crafted Pinwheels
Artist Mia Liu Features Artwork Made from Recycled Materials
Anomalous Stiletto Loungers
Anomalous Stiletto Loungers
The Sofa MrSH by Alexander Kozynets Refuses to Conform
Donut Rinsing Dishes
Donut Rinsing Dishes
The Ring Fruit Bowl is a Clever Contraption for Cleaning Your Food
Donut Coffee Cups
Donut Coffee Cups
Docups by Andrea Filogonio are the Sweetest Little Drinking Vessels
Donut-shaped Seating
Donut-shaped Seating
The Ru-Ju Stool by Yu-Fen Lo Was Inspired by the Ancient Jade Coin
Donut Chairs
Donut Chairs
The Tria Chair by Lorenz-Kaz for Colé Seats to the Center and Side
Vibrant Toy-Inspired Furniture
Vibrant Toy-Inspired Furniture
The Rainbow Side Table by Nathan Day is Colorfully Playful
Disc-Stowed Two-Wheelers
Disc-Stowed Two-Wheelers
The Donut Folding Bicycle Reduces to the Shape of its Tires
Ductile Donut Docks
Ductile Donut Docks
The iLoop Smartphone Stand Surrounds Your Cell as a Secure Prop