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31 DIY Tech Accessories

From DIY Tablet Holders to DIY Tech Smart Glasses

— May 31, 2013 — Tech
With new and improved technology coming out each and every single day, it can be quite expensive trying to keep up with these advancements, which is why these DIY tech accessories are the perfect alternative to having the latest tech equipment.

While laptops and tablets are quite costly on their own, purchasing one often means that you also need accessories such as cases and protectors to go with it. These DIY accessories allow individuals to create their own customized pieces to compliment their gadgets, without having to spend even more money. From tablet holders creatively made from envelopes to customizable camera covers that you can draw on, these DIY tech accessories will add a touch of personality and pizzazz to any of your gadgets.
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3D-Printed Earphones
3D-Printed Earphones
The Low-Fi Hi-Tech Headphones are Composed of Unconventional Parts
Toy Block Tablet Hybrids
Toy Block Tablet Hybrids
LEGO Maniac Duplicates a Wii U Controller with iPad and Lots of LEGO
Durable Digital Cameras
Durable Digital Cameras
The Sugru Camera is a Perfect Starter Polaroid for Kids
Customizable Camera Covers
Customizable Camera Covers
La Sardina and Flash DIY Edition Lets You Embrace Your Creatvity
DIY Tablet Pens
DIY Tablet Pens
A Mosspuppet Demonstrates How to Make a Candy Wrapper iPad Stylus
DIY Hi-Tech Gadgets
DIY Hi-Tech Gadgets
Kipkay Teaches You to Make a Laser Lighter at a Low Price
DIY Cameras
DIY Cameras
SuperHeadz Kit Lets You Build Your Own Camera
DIY Notebook Easels
DIY Notebook Easels
Laptop Tripod Avoids the Pains of Bending Over to Work the Computer
DIY Camera Battery Extenders
DIY Camera Battery Extenders
Make Your DSLR Last Five Times Longer with a Little Battery Hacking
DIY Laptop Blankets
DIY Laptop Blankets
Ars Technica Shows You How to Turn Your Favorite Blanky into a Useful Case
DIY Photo Flash Filaments
DIY Photo Flash Filaments
Manipulate Lighting with a Camera Add-On Using Optical Fibers
DIY Reversible Computer Covers
DIY Reversible Computer Covers
The Late Afternoon Presents the Floral and Striped Laptop Sleeve
DIY Gadget Holders
DIY Gadget Holders
Test Your Building Skills with the LEGO iPad Stand
DIY Camera Filters
DIY Camera Filters
The Brit & Co. Blog Shows How to Take Creative Shots
Envelope-Made Tablet Holders
Envelope-Made Tablet Holders
Creme De La Craft Teaches You to Make a DIY iPad Case
DIY Computer Casings
DIY Computer Casings
The Envelope Laptop Case is Simple and Sew-Free
Repurposed Tech Purses
Repurposed Tech Purses
The Recycled Floppy Disk Bag is Retro-Fab
DIY Wooden Camera Tutorials
DIY Wooden Camera Tutorials
The Canon Balsa Wood 1D Step-by-Step Guide Makes Life-Like Mock Ups
Reinterpreted Nostalgic Tablets
Reinterpreted Nostalgic Tablets
The Chalkboard Pad is a Throwback to Simpler Times
Feminized DIY Cables
Feminized DIY Cables
Decorative Power Cords by Natalie Shriver Upgrades Unmanageable Wires
Printable DIY Papercrafts
Printable DIY Papercrafts
The Mel Stringer Etsy Shop Offers Instantaneous Creativity
DIY Digital Cameras
DIY Digital Cameras
The Craft Camera Instructs Users How to Make Their Own Versions At Home
DIY Camera Phone Lenses
DIY Camera Phone Lenses
Creative Project Uses Old DVD Focus Lens to Improve Photos
DIY Tech Smart Glasses
DIY Tech Smart Glasses
The DIY Beady-i Lets You Build Your Own Imitation Google Glass for Cheap
DIY Laptop Stands
DIY Laptop Stands
Recycled Cardboard Is Fast, Fun & Cheap for Computer Geeks
DIY Social Photo Booths
DIY Social Photo Booths
This DIY Photo Booth is an Instagram-Inspired Photo Delight
DIY Tablet Holders
DIY Tablet Holders
Save Some Funds With This 'Mamie Janes' Craft Instead of Going to the Store
DIY Tiltshift Camera Lens
DIY Tiltshift Camera Lens
This DIY Camera Lens Lets Users Take Soft Focus Shots in a Snap
Fantasy DSLR Add-Ons
Fantasy DSLR Add-Ons
The Bokeh Kit for Cameras Creates Magical Nightscapes
DIY Computer Docks
DIY Computer Docks
The Pizza Box Laptop Stand by Ilya Andreev is Fast Food for Technology
DIY Paper Speakers
DIY Paper Speakers
The Plywood iVictrola Design for iPhones is a Fun Project