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48 Crafty DIY Cardboard Projects

From Recyclable Ball Games to DIY Cardboard Clocks

— January 27, 2014 — Eco
These creative DIY cardboard projects will certainly catch the eye of any arts and crafts enthusiast looking to infuse some eco-friendly methods into their lifestyle.

While cardboard is often the type of material associated with packaged goods and boxes, utilizing it in other areas of life allows homeowners to be more environmentally conscious about the items they're using. A great way to re-use items you most likely already have lying about, these DIY activities will definitely add a greener touch to your interior decor. From dinosaur wall art made from cardboard frames to sustainable shelving systems and recycled feline loungers, these DIY cardboard activities will allow homeowners to easily infuse a greener touch to their home.
Celeb Portrait Hooks
Celeb Portrait Hooks
These DIY Custom Clothes Hangers are Perfect for the Celeb Obsessed
Time Traveling Juxeboxes
Time Traveling Juxeboxes
Crafty Dad David Prouty Made a Homemade TARDIS for His Daughter
Cardboard Gamer Venues
Cardboard Gamer Venues
Caine's Arcade Was Built by a Nine Year Old Boy
DIY Weather-Displaying Lamps
DIY Weather-Displaying Lamps
Flip the Switch to Get Your Daily Forecast with This Great Light
Coiled Cardboard Candy Canes
Coiled Cardboard Candy Canes
This DIY Candy Cane Decoration is Made from Simple Toilet Paper Tubes
Circuit Board Musical Instruments
Circuit Board Musical Instruments
Ototo by Yuri Suzuki Turns is Intuitive and Kid-Friendly
Upcycled Festive Tannenbaums
Upcycled Festive Tannenbaums
A 'Makedo Kit' Will Help You Create a Cardboard Christmas Tree
Wheelable Cardboard Boxes
Wheelable Cardboard Boxes
The Move-It Kit by David Graham is Ingeniously Convenient
DIY Cardboard Ramps
DIY Cardboard Ramps
The 'Made by Joel' Marble Ramp is a Simple Project for Any Child
Cardboard Sentiments
Cardboard Sentiments
Cardboardlove Lets You Send Your Love On Box Cut-Outs
Upcycled Cardboard Gift Bags
Upcycled Cardboard Gift Bags
Turn Cardboard Boxes into Creative Gift Totes with This Guide
Life-Sized Skeletal Cardboard Cutouts
Life-Sized Skeletal Cardboard Cutouts
Learn About the Humand Body When You Build Your Own Skeleton
DIY Dinosaur Wall Art
DIY Dinosaur Wall Art
This Adorable DIY Dinosaur Art Project is Perfect for Children
Candy Box Robot Transformations
Candy Box Robot Transformations
This Cardboard Robot Took Serious Precision to Make
DIY 3D Greetings
DIY 3D Greetings
Build Your Own New York Postcards
Building Block Tissue Cases
Building Block Tissue Cases
The DIY LEGO Kleenex Box Cover is Ideal for Fans of the Iconic Toy
Cardboard Cubicle Castles
Cardboard Cubicle Castles
Building a Recycled Fortress is a Highly Creative Office Space Idea
Crafty Kid Campers
Crafty Kid Campers
This DIY Cardboard Camper Playhouse Allows Children to Act Like Adults
Pentagonal Mural Pockets
Pentagonal Mural Pockets
Ampersand Wallpockets Provide Pattern and Places to Store Possessions
DIY Bulb Boxes
DIY Bulb Boxes
The New Flat Lampshade is Made from Cardboard Boxes
DIY Pom-Pom Village Playsets
DIY Pom-Pom Village Playsets
These DIY Pom Pom Toys Are Cute and Easy to Make
Recyclable Ball Games
Recyclable Ball Games
The Kartoni Foosball Table is Made of Cardboard and Packs Flat for Transport
DIY Giftable Paper Blouses
DIY Giftable Paper Blouses
The FISKARS Father's Day Gift Bags Are Easy to Make & Impressionable
Cardboard Cut-Out Furniture
Cardboard Cut-Out Furniture
DIY Living Uses Its Packing Boxes to Create Bonus Furniture
DIY Foldable, Functional, Furniture For Kids... And It's Free!
DIY Foldable, Functional, Furniture For Kids... And It's Free!
DIY Typographic Wall Decals
DIY Typographic Wall Decals
Create 3D Letters for Your Wall Decor with This Simple DIY Guide
Recycled Feline Loungers
Recycled Feline Loungers
DIY Cardboard Cat Chaise is a Catastic Idea
DIY Dinosaur Designs
DIY Dinosaur Designs
Create Your Own Prehistoric Creature with the Cardboard T-Rex Kit
Cardboard Paddle Boats
Cardboard Paddle Boats
Eco-Friendly, Water-Worthy DIY Kayaks
DIY Celebrity Clothing Hooks
DIY Celebrity Clothing Hooks
The 'OutsaPop Trashion' Kate Moss Hangers are Ideal for Fashionistas
DIY Eco Trikes
DIY Eco Trikes
The Pedal-Powered Porsche Model is Based on a Toy Car
DIY Cardboard Kids Chairs
DIY Cardboard Kids Chairs
Finish Your Self Junior
DIY Cardboard Clocks
DIY Cardboard Clocks
Cardboard Clocks by John Helgi Holmgeirsson Makes You Work for Your Time
Crafty Heart-Shaped Gifts
Crafty Heart-Shaped Gifts
These Creative Gift Boxes are Made from Recycled Cardboard
DIY Laptop Stands
DIY Laptop Stands
Recycled Cardboard Is Fast, Fun & Cheap for Computer Geeks
Cardboard Home Decor
Cardboard Home Decor
Recession-Friendly Interior Design From Giorgio Caporaso
DIY Arctic Cardboard Playsets
DIY Arctic Cardboard Playsets
Mr. Printables' Templates Make Cute Recycled Cardboard Toys
Cardboard Taxidermy
Cardboard Taxidermy
PETA-Friendly Trophy Heads
Crafty Cardboard Repurposing
Crafty Cardboard Repurposing
Joolz Packaging Can Be Turned Into Something New & Useful
DIY Christmas Decor
DIY Christmas Decor
Simple Projects to Jazz Up Your Holiday Interiors
Cut Out Cardboard Lamps
Cut Out Cardboard Lamps
The Jesse Harrington Au Light is Made of a Single Sheet of Paper
DIY Cardboard Cutout Lamps
DIY Cardboard Cutout Lamps
Create These Glamorous Pendant Lights Out of Recycled Materials
DIY Cardboard Christmas Trees
DIY Cardboard Christmas Trees
Make a Fast and Festive Holiday Decoration With Some Simple Supplies
Wallet-Friendly Feline Crafts
Wallet-Friendly Feline Crafts
These DIY Cat Toys are Made out of Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
DIY Computer Docks
DIY Computer Docks
The Pizza Box Laptop Stand by Ilya Andreev is Fast Food for Technology
Electronic Cardboard Creatures
Electronic Cardboard Creatures
The AREA + Eco DIY Collection is Endearing and Economical
Sustainable Stackable Shelves
Sustainable Stackable Shelves
The Dany Gilles 800g Library Makes Interlocking Eco Storage
Cardboard Animal Masks
Cardboard Animal Masks
The Jozef Mrva Masks Are Eerie and Creatively Crafted