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44 DIY Activities for Gamers

From 8-Bit Gamer Seating to DIY Plush Gamer Gear

— December 21, 2013 — Tech
Any hardcore video game enthusiast looking for a crafty way to pay tribute to their favorite characters and consoles is in luck, because these DIY activities for gamers will definitely satisfy anyone who enjoys these electronic devices.

There's something very addictive about video games that children and even adults can't seem to shake. And with old video game consoles constantly being updated and replaced with new models, what better way to pay tribute to devices of the past than by showcasing those references in decor items for your home? These DIY activities allow gamers to showcase their admiration for classic video game characters and consoles by easily infusing those sentiments into such things as recipes and wall decor.

From cartoon character eggs to 8-bit patio furniture, these DIY activities will definitely attract any crafty video game fan.

Immersive Gaming Headpieces
Immersive Gaming Headpieces
Stefan Welker Crafts a Virtual Reality Gaming Head Gear
Toy Block Tablet Hybrids
Toy Block Tablet Hybrids
LEGO Maniac Duplicates a Wii U Controller with iPad and Lots of LEGO
Retro Gaming Reconfigurations
Retro Gaming Reconfigurations
The Xbox 1977 Edition by Ben Heck Merges an Xbox360 With an Atari
Festively Decorated RPG Statues
Festively Decorated RPG Statues
Skyrim Dragonborn Nord Makes for a Fun Gamer Christmas Tree
Video Game Lunch Lessons
Video Game Lunch Lessons
The Mario Bento Tutorial Shows You How to Prepare an Attractive Meal
Cardboard Gamer Venues
Cardboard Gamer Venues
Caine's Arcade Was Built by a Nine Year Old Boy
Animated Cult Cartoon Toys
Animated Cult Cartoon Toys
This Awesome Adventure Time BMO Toy is Lively
DIY Plush Gamer Gear
DIY Plush Gamer Gear
This Tutorial Explains How to Create Custom Game Controllers
DIY Game-Inspired Sweets
DIY Game-Inspired Sweets
The Nintendo Inspired '1-Up Ring Pops' are Clever and Cute
Stripped-Down Handheld Consoles
Stripped-Down Handheld Consoles
The DIY Gamer Kit Allows People to Build Their Own Gameboy
DIY Pimptendos
DIY Pimptendos
Customize Your Nintendo by Adding Gems and Zebra Patterns
Canned Food Gaming Displays
Canned Food Gaming Displays
This 3D Canned Food Display Shows Super Mario Like You've Never Seen
Gaming System Arcade Mods
Gaming System Arcade Mods
Morris Umali Turns a Few Xbox 360s into Oversized Usable Joysticks
Hybrid Retro Gaming Devices
Hybrid Retro Gaming Devices
An Addictive Combo MP3, SNES, NES & Game Boy Game Player
Classic Cartoon Consoles
Classic Cartoon Consoles
The Thundercats Xbox 360 is Worthy of Lion-O
Retro Gamer Lighting
Retro Gamer Lighting
The Atari Lamp Illuminates the Dark World of Video Games
DIY Gaming Gear
DIY Gaming Gear
Geektastic Gamer Creates Life-Size Katamari Controller
Mobile Gamer Laptops
Mobile Gamer Laptops
Ben Heck Has Created the XBox 360 Slim Portable for $6,000
Classic Gaming Covers
Classic Gaming Covers
The Book Style Covers for Video Games by James Bit are Sweet
Gamer Piggy Banks
Gamer Piggy Banks
The DIY Mario Coin Block Brings Elements of the Game to Reality
Vintage Video Game Chocolates
Vintage Video Game Chocolates
These Chocolate Molds Resemble Retro Game Controllers
Life-Sized Piranha Plants
Life-Sized Piranha Plants
Kalapusa Builds Acrylic Version of Iconic Mario Video Game Fixture
Internet Gaming Controllers
Internet Gaming Controllers
The 'Reddit Karma Controller' Will Turn Your Favorite Site into a Game
Video Game Kitty Furnishings
Video Game Kitty Furnishings
This Cat Tree by Geckoo_Design is Inspired by a Mario Environment
Retro Game Cakes
Retro Game Cakes
The Tetris Wedding Cake is for Hardcore Gamers
Retro Gamer Playsets
Retro Gamer Playsets
DeerDot's Super Mario Dollhouse is Cute
DIY Handheld Gaming
DIY Handheld Gaming
Hailrazer's N64 Gameboy Advance Lets You Play Your Favorite Games on the Go
DIY Tetris Ties
DIY Tetris Ties
The 'LED Tetris Tie' Lets You Walk Around While Displaying a Game of Tetris
Anachronistic Video Game Accessories
Anachronistic Video Game Accessories
This Duncan Shirah Steampunk Portal Gun is Gorgeously Geeky
Uber Geeky Food DIY
Uber Geeky Food DIY
Nintendo "1UP Mushroom" Burger
Vicious Videogame Rifles
Vicious Videogame Rifles
Harrison Krix Recreates the N7 Rifle from 'Mass Effect 3'
One-Hand Game Controllers
One-Hand Game Controllers
Ben Heck Creates World's First Right-Handed Xbox 360 Controller
8-Bit Gamer Seating
8-Bit Gamer Seating
Create Your Own Pixellated Minecraft Design Lawn Chair
Insane DIY Cosplay
Insane DIY Cosplay
Nathan Sharratt's Bioshock 2 Big Sister Suit is a Feat of Extreme Engineering
Custom Cartridge Urinals
Custom Cartridge Urinals
The Nintendo Video Game Urinal is a Gamer's Dream Bathroom Project
Nintendo Timekeepers
Nintendo Timekeepers
The 'Nerdy Clocks' Etsy Shop Offers Old-School Gaming Gems
Vintage Video Game Blankets
Vintage Video Game Blankets
Nintendo-Inspired Quilts Conjure 8-Bit Memories
DIY Video Game Eggs
DIY Video Game Eggs
The Super Mario Bros. Easter Egg Tutorial is Fantastically Geeky
Insanely Accurate Gamer Costumes
Insanely Accurate Gamer Costumes
Dead Space Fans Recreate Character Costumes
Console Coffee Tables
Console Coffee Tables
Another Nintendo-Inspired Storage and Entertainment System
Futuristic DIY Fantasy Armor
Futuristic DIY Fantasy Armor
Cosplayer Creates Convincing Skyrim Armor to Strike Fear into Evil
DIY 8-Bit Gamer Mats
DIY 8-Bit Gamer Mats
The DIY Legend of Zelda Coasters are Ideal for Video Game Parties
Food Geeking
Food Geeking
DIY Guide Lets Nintendo Geeks Transform a Radish into a Super Mario Mushroom
Gamer Office Decor
Gamer Office Decor
DIY Pac-Man Cork Board Revamps Your Walls, Retro Arcade-Style