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70 Curvy Architectural Structures

From Wavy Wood Coffee Shops to Curvy Aluminum Schools

— October 11, 2013 — Art & Design
When it comes to designing a building that will stand out, form and structural outline can make a big difference, and these curvy architectural structures are here to showcase that smooth edges and spherical influences can make for a wonderfully eye-catching appearance.

While contemporary buildings are all about minimalist design and compact geometric shapes, these curvy architectural structures are more about creating a smooth, free-flowing shape that instantly catches the eye. By incorporating such unique aspects such as wave-like designs, spiralling patterns and soft, spherical shapes, these buildings are able to portray a very modern and abstract design that will surely have architects stunned and amazed.

From curvaceously pristine restaurants to delightfully warped dwellings, these curvy architectural structures are sure to make an impact with their use of smooth, continuous lines.
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Sweeping Pillared Structures
Sweeping Pillared Structures
The Choreographic Center Features Row Upon Row of Slim Columns
Stark Seafaring Towers
Stark Seafaring Towers
The 'Step Tower' Imitates a Ship with Clean and Elegant Curves
iPod-Inspired Architecture
iPod-Inspired Architecture
Cloud House by John Beckmann Hopes to Mimic Truly Great Design
Fabulous Fish Scale Additions
Fabulous Fish Scale Additions
Studio Extension Fuses Traditional Brick with Technicolor Tectonics
Geometry-Inspired Highrises
Geometry-Inspired Highrises
The NLF Tower is Influenced by the Greek Ellipse
Brightly Curvy Walkways
Brightly Curvy Walkways
Hunker and Corso Create an Artistic Terrain
Contemporary Coliseum Observatories
Contemporary Coliseum Observatories
La Ruta del Peregrino Lookout is itself a Lovely View
Killer Curvaceous Cribs
Killer Curvaceous Cribs
The Long Island Beach House by Thomas Phifer and Partners
Epic Architectural Fashion Photoshoots
Epic Architectural Fashion Photoshoots
Forms by Leandro Enne is Inspired by Sculptural Structures
Luminous Copper-Clad Bars
Luminous Copper-Clad Bars
Ketel One Vodka Bar by Jenner Studio is a Metal Masterpiece
Sand Dune-Shaped HQs
Sand Dune-Shaped HQs
The New Arpt Headquarters is Functionally Curvaceous
Silver Spaceship Structures
Silver Spaceship Structures
The OCT Design Museum by Studio Pei-Zhu is Inspired by the Ocean
Curvy Contemporary Financial Institutions
Curvy Contemporary Financial Institutions
Barwa Bank Merges Technology & Sophisticated Design
Netherlands' 123DV Architecture Pays Homage to Art in the Villa Dali
Communal Oblong Pavilions
Communal Oblong Pavilions
The Make Architects Weihei Structure is Curved Throughout
Spherical Latticed Structures
Spherical Latticed Structures
The Rizhao Urban Planning Museum is Filled With Light
Undulating Bulbous Abodes
Undulating Bulbous Abodes
The Woven Nest by Atmos Studios Seems Like More of a Retreat
Curvy Shop Redesigns
Curvy Shop Redesigns
Hostede Optiek by Alexander Nowotny Makes Shopping Adventurous
Summer Camp Athletic Facilities
Summer Camp Athletic Facilities
The Milson Island Sports Stadium Brings Jocks Nearer to Nature
Golden Undulated Galleries
Golden Undulated Galleries
The Islamic Art Galleries at the Louvre Museum are Covered in Curves
Curvy Canopied Stations
Curvy Canopied Stations
The Liege-Guillemins Station is a Building Without Facades
Innovative Cable Railway
Innovative Cable Railway
Off the Rails Austrian Design by Zaha Hadid
Funky Foliage-Shaped Abodes
Funky Foliage-Shaped Abodes
The 'Casa Folha' by Mareines and Patalano is Lush
Curvy Eco Workspaces
Curvy Eco Workspaces
Sustainsia Inc. and Biggs Group Architects Design a Green Backyard Office
Whale-Inspired Pavilions
Whale-Inspired Pavilions
The Blue Planet Aquarium Pays Tribute to Underwater Life
Ribbed Arenas
Ribbed Arenas
Upi-2m'S Award-Winning Arena Zagreb in Croatia
Delightful Macaroni Montessoris
Delightful Macaroni Montessoris
The Tellus Nursery School Embraces a Creative Education
Opulent Oval Architecture
Opulent Oval Architecture
The Wurm + Wurm Architects Media Centre Oberkirch is Full of Twists
Wavy Cafeteria Facades
Wavy Cafeteria Facades
The Mensa Leonberg is a Shared Canteen Between Two Schools
Curvy Minimalist Furnishings
Curvy Minimalist Furnishings
The Harry Seat by Stockholm's Massproductions Design Company
Architecture for Gamers
Architecture for Gamers
Sako FlatFlat Store Design Combines Real and Virtual Reality
Spiralling Architecture
Spiralling Architecture
Chris Prechteck Designs an Eye-Catching Curvy Library
Cardboard Constructed Interiors
Cardboard Constructed Interiors
The Bloomberg Meeting Space by Lazerian is Paper-Made
Female Form Minimalism
Female Form Minimalism
The Pryor Callaway Odalisque Simplifies Feminine Curves
Curvy Aluminum Schools
Curvy Aluminum Schools
Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas Create the 'Lycée Georges Frêche'
Trippy Bar Interiors
Trippy Bar Interiors
Francesco Gatti Architects Have Made a Psychedelic Cave-Like Bar in Shanghai
Minimalist Curvilinear Cafes
Minimalist Curvilinear Cafes
Nana’s Green Tea by Kamitopen Design Embodies Tranquility
Curvy Concrete Boutiques
Curvy Concrete Boutiques
The Fashion Studio in Belgrade for Tamara Radivojevic
Sustainable Ski Resorts
Sustainable Ski Resorts
The North Slope Ski Hotel is Solar and Wind Powered
Photovoltaic Rooftop Waves
Photovoltaic Rooftop Waves
The Solar Wave Pavilion by Michael Jantzen
Spiraling Shingle Architecture
Spiraling Shingle Architecture
The Paviljoen Puur by Emma Architecten Towers with Wooden Wonder
Curvy Carved Cottages
Curvy Carved Cottages
The Dalene Cabin by Tommie Wilhelmsen is a Refined Retreat
Wavy Social Architecture
Wavy Social Architecture
The Huge 'Glasshouse' is an Arts, Conference & Entertainment Centre
Extensive Spiralling Sculptures
Extensive Spiralling Sculptures
Sity by Sonik Module Wraps itself Around an Urban Park
Bio-Glamour Architecture
Bio-Glamour Architecture
Architect Ephraim-Henry Pavie Creates an Aesthetically Eco-Friendly Home
Sinuous Futuristic Malls
Sinuous Futuristic Malls
The Galaxy Soho by Zaha Hadid is a Surreal Beijing Structure
Hollowed Out Homes
Hollowed Out Homes
The Pit House by UID Connects with its Site Through Verticality
Wavy River Walkways
Wavy River Walkways
The Maribor Footbridge by Ja Studio & Tadj-Farzin Studio
Chromatic Cave Lavatories
Chromatic Cave Lavatories
GAD Architecture Bathroom Designs Incorporate Curved Ceilings and Walls
Sharply Swirling Abodes
Sharply Swirling Abodes
The ‘Mop House' by AGi Architects is Full of Lines and Curves
Wavy Line Interiors
Wavy Line Interiors
Klab Architecture Empowers Wunderman Office Space
Bridges as Architectural Wonders
Bridges as Architectural Wonders
9 Global Connectors
Music-Themed Architecture
Music-Themed Architecture
The Hotel Liesma Has a Wavy Wood Facade
Giant J-Shaped Architecture
Giant J-Shaped Architecture
Green 'City-Park' Tower Spreads On and Over the Hudson
Eco Winery Designs
Eco Winery Designs
Michael Jantzen Releases the Solar Vineyard Winery Blueprints
Upscaling Luxury Homes
Upscaling Luxury Homes
Casa Son Vida Receives Designer Interior and TLC from Architects
Curvy Bizarchitecture
Curvy Bizarchitecture
The Mad Archirects Design for Fake Hills Project is Unique
Wavy Wood Coffeeshops
Wavy Wood Coffeeshops
The Don Cafe House by Innarch is Inspired by Sacks of Coffee Beans
Igloo Eateries
Igloo Eateries
The Hoto Fudo Noodle Restaurant in Japan
Curved Automobile Architecture
Curved Automobile Architecture
The Porsche Pavilion by HENN is a Smooth Masterpiece
Curvy Contemporary Cathedrals
Curvy Contemporary Cathedrals
The San Josemaria Escriva Church Brings New Shape to Church Design
Fishing Rod Residences
Fishing Rod Residences
Floating House by Brad Wanek Hangs Flood and Tide-Resistant
Modern Chinese Water Walkways
Modern Chinese Water Walkways
L & A Design Group's Footbridge Features an Artificial Island
Curvy Cafeteria Designs
Curvy Cafeteria Designs
Karim Rashid's Food Court Design is Sculptural and Organic
Curvy Pristine Restaurants
Curvy Pristine Restaurants
Busride Design Studio Creates Interior for The Smokehouse Room
Walkable Rollercoasters
Walkable Rollercoasters
'Tiger & Turtle -- Magic Mountain' is Interactive
Wonderfully Wavy Buildings
Wonderfully Wavy Buildings
This Futuristic Building Design Comes from Zaha Hadid Architect
Enchanting Fluid Architecture
Enchanting Fluid Architecture
Get Swept Away by the Beauty of the Dagmara Obluska SWING House
Harmonious Houseboats
Harmonious Houseboats
Robert Harvey Oshatz Inspires With His Wood and Waves Fennell Residence
Delightfully Warped Dwellings
Delightfully Warped Dwellings
Flight of Birds House is a Caricature of Contemporary Architecture