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24 Oddly Curved Tech Devices

From Contorting Computer Peripherals to Curvy Trackpad Mice

— July 30, 2013 — Tech
With the amount of technological gadgets available on the market, retailers are constantly redesigning their products to attract consumers, and these oddly curved tech devices are sure to stand out with their curvaceous structures.

While most technological devices and accessories are either rectangular or slim in design, these curved creations have incorporated a more voluptuous and spherical shape to the design, making these devices look much more creative and original. Why choose a device that most likely everything else will have when you can opt for something that will surely differentiate itself from the pack? From imaginative whale-shaped smartphone protectors to curvaceous trackpad mice, these creatively curved tech devices are definitely adding a new spin to these otherwise ordinary gadget shapes.

Perfect for those who appreciate eclectic and offbeat items, these oddly curved tech devices will definitely add a sleek and original touch to any collection.

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Bottle Opener Phone Stands
Bottle Opener Phone Stands
The Smartphone Side ‘Instakick’ Doubles Up as a Bottle Open
Bowed Concept Cellphones
Bowed Concept Cellphones
The Smartphone TWO is Super Tactile With its Graceful Crescent Shape
Cylindrical Landline Telephones
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The Pophone Concept Brings Bulky Buzzers Back into Style
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The Leaf Smartphone Concept is Nature-Inspired for Comfort Handling
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The Sharp Touch Wood is Ready to Be Released (UPDATE)
Sea Creature Smartphone Protectors
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The iWhale iPhone 5 Case by Seyook Lee Boasts a Handy Hook
Curvy Smartphones
Curvy Smartphones
The Bionic Silkworm Smoothly Integrates Phone and Tablet Technologies
Pitch Perfect Sound Systems
Pitch Perfect Sound Systems
The Optimum Resonance Speakers Achieve New Heights in Sound Quality
Hollowed-Out Computer Mice
Hollowed-Out Computer Mice
The Arc Mouse Can be Used on an Array of Different Surfaces
Forever-Alone Back Rubbers
Forever-Alone Back Rubbers
The Ergonomical Back Massager is for the Perpetually Single Person
Bowing Mobile Phones
Bowing Mobile Phones
The Kurbo Smartphone is Curved to Improve Comfort and Aesthetics
Curvy Trackpad Mice
Curvy Trackpad Mice
The Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse Will Change Your Ways of Computing
Rotary Cuff Clocks
Rotary Cuff Clocks
The Round-the-Clock Wristwatch Counts the Seconds with Slick Style
Back-Bending Mobiles
Back-Bending Mobiles
The Cutting-Edge Philips Curve Phone Breaks Free From Technological Rigidity
Movie Projecting Chargers
Movie Projecting Chargers
The ‘E-Pod' iPod Dock Projects Your Media on the Wall
Sun-Powered Headgear
Sun-Powered Headgear
The Solar Ski Helmet Charges Your Gadgets
Headphone-Integrated Headbands
Headphone-Integrated Headbands
The Bandora Hair Band Has Been Made to Accommodate You in Two Ways
Handy Wristband Ringers
Handy Wristband Ringers
The Motorola Koleopt Mobile Never Leaves Your Side
Slope-Slotted Smartphone Stands
Slope-Slotted Smartphone Stands
The Ripple iPhone Stand Simple Manages Cursed Cords
Concrete Stereo Equipment
Concrete Stereo Equipment
The Jack Speaker by Ben Wahrlich is a Solid Example of Industrial Design
Contorting Computer Peripherals
Contorting Computer Peripherals
The Memory Metal Mouse Curves for the Comfort of Your Palm
Self-Rising Smartphone Stands
Self-Rising Smartphone Stands
The Stander iPhone Dock is a Rocking Phone Cradle