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39 Contemporary Pet Beds

From Couture Canine Cushions to Fierce Feline Accomodations

— March 15, 2013 — Eco
Designed to accommodate everyone's favourite furry companion, these contemporary pet beds vary from eco-friendly to couture inspired. Whether recreating an animal-friendly version of modern furnishings or encouraging sustainable design practices, these pet accommodations defy tradition and embrace cool and contemporary concepts.

Domesticated animals are making a fast transition from household companion to an established member of one's family. Because of this pet retailers are looking for both practicality and aesthetics in their products.

These animal accessories range from space-saving solutions to sustainably built designs that look to the future. From egg-shaped canine carriers to suspended feline hammocks, these contemporary pet beds allow one's pet to lounge in style. These examples of industrial design fit a modern visual mould and are more likely to act as cool home accessories instead of unsightly eyesores.
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Patriotic Puppy Pads
Patriotic Puppy Pads
These Jonathan Adler Dog Beds Quirky and Fun
Altruistic Pet Beds
Altruistic Pet Beds
Better Buddies is an Environmentally Friendly Cat and Dog Business
Japanese Park-Inspired Pooch Perches
Japanese Park-Inspired Pooch Perches
Ito by Christina Sicoli is Crafted After a Park in Japan
Luggage Cat Cribs
Luggage Cat Cribs
The Upcycled Pet Beds are a Stylish Alternative to Kennels
Dashing Dog Beds
Dashing Dog Beds
The Muovo Dog Bed is So Cool, You'll Want to Sleep on It
Pod Shaped Pet Beds
Pod Shaped Pet Beds
The Cat Shell by Oppo is a Great Place for Your Feline Friends to Hide
Luxury Dog Beds
Luxury Dog Beds
Gold Threaded Mattress For Your Dog to Pee On
Haute Canine Rests
Haute Canine Rests
The Puppy Hugger Luxury Dog Beds Keep Fido Happy
Levitating Pet Beds
Levitating Pet Beds
The Cat Hammock Offers a Suspended Pad for the Animals
Drift Wood Dog Beds
Drift Wood Dog Beds
The Pet Cave
Canine Denim Beds
Canine Denim Beds
Lap of Luxury Pet Beds Recreate the Human Touch for Dogs
For Fashion Victim's Dogs Who Want To Make A Statement
For Fashion Victim's Dogs Who Want To Make A Statement
Cake-Like Pet Beds
Cake-Like Pet Beds
'Plush Companion Katie Puff' Bed Offers Sweet Comfort for Cultured Canines
Reflective Dog Beds
Reflective Dog Beds
Jimmi's Galaxy is Innovative Way for Animals to Slumber
Eco Dog Beds
Eco Dog Beds
The Bambu Hammock Gives Your Pets a Tropical Resting Place
Stylish Summer Dog Beds (UPDATE)
Stylish Summer Dog Beds (UPDATE)
Pamper Your Pooch with the 'Bambú Hammock II'
$2,000 Critter Cribs
$2,000 Critter Cribs
These Luxury Pet Beds by Cedel are Chic and Comfortable
Couture Dog Beds
Couture Dog Beds
Chien Vivant Creates High Priced Pooch Palaces
Dog-Eating Sleeping Bags
Dog-Eating Sleeping Bags
Pet Cosy Products Will Keep Your Pooch Comically Comfortable
Kitty Monitor Mattresses
Kitty Monitor Mattresses
The Upcycled Apple Computer Pet Bed Looks Comfy Enough for a Human
Contemporary Cat Beds
Contemporary Cat Beds
The myKitty by Marta Pietrusiak is Made for Modern Homes
Belted Pooch Shelters
Belted Pooch Shelters
The Loop Luxury Dog House is Portable and Classy
Croc Pet Beds
Croc Pet Beds
The Sasquatch! Pet Bed Will Embarrass Your Dog
Couture Pet Beds
Couture Pet Beds
Urban Bone Makes Furniture for Spoiled Purris Hiltons and Pooch Diddys
Pet Hammocks
Pet Hammocks
The Cat Crib is a Space-Saver for Pet Owners
Contemporary Pet Furnishings
Contemporary Pet Furnishings
The Forma Italia Suite Series Combines Comfort With a Chic Design
Clear-Walled Pet Beds
Clear-Walled Pet Beds
Wowbow 'Mija' Dog Beds Are Classy and Contemporary
Slumbering Pet Shelves
Slumbering Pet Shelves
Curve Pet Beds are a Stylish Sleep Haven For Your Beloved Animal
Repurposed Pet Beds
Repurposed Pet Beds
These Reclaimed Dog Beds are Made of Reused Lumber and Metal
Luggage Kitty Pads
Luggage Kitty Pads
Upcycled Suitcase Pet Beds Offer a Retro Resting Spot for Animals
Sci-Fi Cat Beds
Sci-Fi Cat Beds
The Feline Tardis Contraption Lets Your Cat Explore Space and Time
Egg-Shaped Pet Beds
Egg-Shaped Pet Beds
The pEi Pod is Egg-xactly What a Posh Pet Desires
Canopy Pet Beds
Canopy Pet Beds
Pamper Your Feline Friend With the Modern Cat Bed
Wool Kitty Nests
Wool Kitty Nests
The Vaivanat Bed Collection Provides Chic Comfort for Your Feline
Groovy Cat Beds
Groovy Cat Beds
Retro Modern Pet Lounges by 'Likekittyville'
PC Pet Beds
PC Pet Beds
The Computer Monitor Cat Bed is Too Cute to Power Off
E-Waste Pet Beds
E-Waste Pet Beds
This Computer Monitor Dog Divan Gives a Broken Machine New Life
Wall-Mounted Pet Beds
Wall-Mounted Pet Beds
‘Curve' Shelf Lets Cats Sleep in Midair
Upcycled Suitcase Pet Beds
Upcycled Suitcase Pet Beds
Etsy Artists Make a Cute Eco Case for Cats