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21 Contemporary Aquariums

From Aquarium Kitchen Islands to Stunning Live Fish Furniture

— August 28, 2014 — Art & Design
Perfect for homeowners looking to add some creative aquatic features to their home, these contemporary aquariums are allowing design-savvy consumers to enjoy the allure of marine life.

Going beyond the typical fish tank design, these contemporary aquariums are offering artistic and structurally unique designs that will show off marine creatures in a more engaging manner. Allowing consumers to integrate aquariums into everything from kitchen tables to bathroom sinks and staircases, these modern fish tank designs are showcasing how a little imagination can reinvent such a traditional product into a wonderfully creative architectural design.

From aquariums that double as coffee tables to those that incorporate high-tech virtual features, these contemporary aquariums will surely entice any homeowner looking to showcase their love for marine life in a more creative manner.
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Remote Fish Feeders
Remote Fish Feeders
Users from Around the World Can Feed Fish Through This Virtual Aquarium
Smartphone Tank Monitors
Smartphone Tank Monitors
Keep Check on the Fishes from Far Distances with the Seneye Aquarium
Built-In Aquarium Automobiles
Built-In Aquarium Automobiles
The WitStar Concept Car is Made with Fish Lovers in Mind
Hi-Tech Virtual Aquariums
Hi-Tech Virtual Aquariums
The Interactive Fish Tank Allows People to Take Care of Digital Fishes
Worldly Fish Tank Tables
Worldly Fish Tank Tables
The Takuro Yamamoto Architects Aquarium is Awe-Inspiring
Living Desktop Ecosystems
Living Desktop Ecosystems
The EcoQube is a Desktop Ecosystem That Grows Flowers and Herbs
Skyscraper-Inspired Aquariums
Skyscraper-Inspired Aquariums
This Gallery Has Fish Aquarium Replicas of a Skyscraper Development
Aquatic Life Basins
Aquatic Life Basins
The Moody Aquarium Sink Brings a Lively Bathroom Fixture to the Home
Interactive Pop-Up Aquariums
Interactive Pop-Up Aquariums
Kenzo Creates an Aquarium to Highlight the Harms of Overfishing
Tabletop Ecosystems
Tabletop Ecosystems
The Domestic Ponds Limited Edition Series Brings Nature Indoors
Tumorous Fish Tanks
Tumorous Fish Tanks
The Echappee Aquarium Provides a Glass Growth as Additional Swimming Space
Cantilevered Transparent Staircases
Cantilevered Transparent Staircases
The Aquarium Gleneagles Glass Stairs is a Spectacular Sight
Aquarium Bathroom Sinks
Aquarium Bathroom Sinks
Liven Up Your Hand-Washing Routine with This Clever Design
Stunning Live Fish Furniture
Stunning Live Fish Furniture
This Aquarium Coffee Table Lets Your Fish Take Part in Family Time
£3 Million Aquariums
£3 Million Aquariums
The Aquavista Dinosaur Gold Aquarium is a Fisherman's Pot of Gold
Aquarium Kitchens
Aquarium Kitchens
Darren Morgan Designs Aquatic Cooking Spaces
Funky Fish-Shaped Fish Bowls
Funky Fish-Shaped Fish Bowls
The Giona Aquarium Will Gulp Up Your Guppies
Maze-Like Fish Aquariums
Maze-Like Fish Aquariums
The Labyrinth Aquarium Makes an Amazing Addition to Your Decor
Fish Tank Purses
Fish Tank Purses
The Portable Aquarium Fishbowl is a Revelation in Pet Walks
Aquarium Kitchen Islands
Aquarium Kitchen Islands
Kolenik's Unique Kitchen Counter Has Places for Storage and Fish
Self-Washing Fish Tanks
Self-Washing Fish Tanks
NoClean Aquariums Ensures Hassle-Free Care of Your Pets