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18 Cleverly Compact Hotels

From Boxed Bedding Hotels to Teeny Boutique Hotels

— June 27, 2013 — World
While some people prefer to choose travel lodgings that are spacious and luxurious in design, others may opt for something more simple and easy-going, which is why these cleverly compact hotels are perfectly suited to provide a place to rest without too many extra features.

While these unique hotel accommodations might seem a bit too teeny tiny for your taste, they provide an adequate amount of sleeping space necessary for a traveller to get in and out with just enough rest. Why pay extra for a bunch of lavish room features when you'll most likely only utilize the room for sleeping at night? From practical bunk bed hotels to temporary transit motels located at airports, these cleverly compact structures are making the experience of staying overnight something much more practical and cost-effective.
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Homey Hotel Havens
Homey Hotel Havens
B+B Belgravia Offers a Townhouse Treat for London Locals and Visitors
Regimented Hotel Relaxation
Regimented Hotel Relaxation
9 Hour Capsule Hotel Regulates Your Stay with Simplicity
Convenient Compact Hotels
Convenient Compact Hotels
The ‘Hostation' Bus Stop Hotel Makes Waiting for a Bus Comfo
Pod Hotel (Review)
Pod Hotel (Review)
'Motel One' Wrongly Named?
Transportable Tourist Abodes
Transportable Tourist Abodes
The Transportable Hotel by Jose Pequeno Can Pop Up Anywhere
Das Park Hotel
Das Park Hotel
Sleep in a Pipe (and Pay What You Wish)
Teeny Boutique Hotels
Teeny Boutique Hotels
David Carter Designs the Interior of London's Smallest Hotel
Luxury Jail Hotels
Luxury Jail Hotels
Het Arresthuis is an Prison Turned Upscale Inn
Mini Budget Lodgings
Mini Budget Lodgings
China's Capsule Hotel Targets Single Business Travelers
Bold Affordable Accommodation
Bold Affordable Accommodation
Zollhaus Hostel Provides Atmosphere and Aesthetics Beyond the Budget
Quote-Filled Hotels
Quote-Filled Hotels
The Quotel Acommodation Soothes and Stimulates Guests
Miniature Ocean Resorts
Miniature Ocean Resorts
The Laamu Six Senses Offers a Tranquil Stay on a Tiny Island
Temporary Transit Motels (UPDATE)
Temporary Transit Motels (UPDATE)
The SleepBox Debuts in International Airports Around the Globe
Contemporary Shingle-Clad Cabins
Contemporary Shingle-Clad Cabins
This Eco-Resort is Disguised in Roofing to Sink into its Setting
Hourly Hotel Pods
Hourly Hotel Pods
Micro Bubbles Hotel Rooms Resemble Airy Bubbles
Boxed Bedding Hotels
Boxed Bedding Hotels
Arch Group Presents a Hotel Made from Modular Sleeping Rooms
Luxury Bunk Bed Hotels
Luxury Bunk Bed Hotels
The Pod Hotel Offers Cute Manhattan Rooms Under $100
Eco-Friendly Portable Hotels
Eco-Friendly Portable Hotels
The In-Tenta Drop Eco Hotel Concept is Organic