From Snack-Inspired Coin Purses to Shocking Accessories
Emily Evans — June 7, 2011 — Art & Design
While so many of us are making the transition to using predominantly plastic modes of payment, why go completely plastic when there are so many funky coin holders around! Rather than going totally debit and credit obsessed, the consideration should be made to keep your change just so you have the excuse to carry it in something as cute as these coin holders.
Granted, not all of these coin holders should be classified as cute -- take Taxidermic Treasuries or Shocking Accessories for example -- but there is something for everyone and every taste. If you'd love the opportunity to store your change in a once-living and breathing pigle,t then the Taxidermic Treasuries coin purse is the best choice. If not, there are lots of other quirky coin purses to take a liking to.
Granted, not all of these coin holders should be classified as cute -- take Taxidermic Treasuries or Shocking Accessories for example -- but there is something for everyone and every taste. If you'd love the opportunity to store your change in a once-living and breathing pigle,t then the Taxidermic Treasuries coin purse is the best choice. If not, there are lots of other quirky coin purses to take a liking to.