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47 Cute Clocks for Kids

From Superhero Alarms to Playtime Tile Timepieces

— November 30, 2013 — Tech
Teaching children how to tell the time is great way to introduce schedules and responsibility into their life, and these cute clocks for kids are offering some age-appropriate timepieces that children will surely enjoy.

Kids can get easily distracted with all their toys and bedroom accessories, making it hard for parents to keep them organized and on schedule. These cute clocks for kids however, have all been designed with bright colors, cartoon themes and interactive features, all of which will help kids stay focused on exactly what time it is. From alarms shaped like futuristic robots to time-scribbling clocks and stuffed animal timepieces, these adorable clocks for kids will definitely offer little ones the chance to tell the time on something fun and playful in design.
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Star-Shaped Wall Clocks
Star-Shaped Wall Clocks
GEMSTONE Brightens up Any Room
Math Quiz Clocks
Math Quiz Clocks
Clocklus from Ji Hun Noh is Designed to Teach Basic Math
Task Reminding Time Tellers
Task Reminding Time Tellers
The About Time Clock by Michiko Shimada Allows for Chore Integration
Alarming Albums
Alarming Albums
Eep Eep Eep EP Concept Album Made Entirely of Alarms Meant to Pleasure Your Ears
Time-Scribbling Alarms
Time-Scribbling Alarms
The Color Clock by Shen Yuebo Requires Doodling to Activate
Advanced Robotic Morning Greetings
Advanced Robotic Morning Greetings
The Tim-E iPhone Alarm Clock Wakes Up Difficult Sleepers
Adventurous Spaceship Time Keepers
Adventurous Spaceship Time Keepers
The Star Trek Wall Clock is for Sci-Fi Fans Who Adore Space
Playful Pitched Timepieces
Playful Pitched Timepieces
Albert Clocks Bring Imagination to Displaying the Hour
Chessboard Clocks
Chessboard Clocks
This Clock Makes You Feel Like a Grandmaster
Retro Comic Alarm Clocks
Retro Comic Alarm Clocks
The Marvel Hulk Alarm Clock Will Smash Through Your Mornings
Animated Alarm Clock Casings
Animated Alarm Clock Casings
The 'Disney Family Fun' Faux Fur Creatures are Frightening
Playful Tile Timpieces
Playful Tile Timpieces
The Domino Clock Tells Time Rather than Whiling it Away
Athletic Alarm Clocks
Athletic Alarm Clocks
The Sport Time Golf Game Device Makes Users Sink Balls
Graphic Digit-Less Clocks
Graphic Digit-Less Clocks
Christy Batta Has Created Stunning Numberless Clocks
Adorable Amphibian Alarms
Adorable Amphibian Alarms
The Singing Kero Clock Will Dance You Out of Bed
Portable Alarming Devices
Portable Alarming Devices
Forget Using Two Alarms When You Have the iBell iPhone Alarm Clock
Superhero Alarm Clocks
Superhero Alarm Clocks
This Iron Man Alarm Clock Pays Tribute to the Iconic Comic Franchise
Dancing Time Keepers
Dancing Time Keepers
The Ballerina Wall Clock is Sure to Put a Smile on Your Face
Glaring Robot Alarm Clocks
Glaring Robot Alarm Clocks
This Giant Articulated Roboclock Flashes Red Eyes When an Alarm Rings
Agricultural Sound Alerts
Agricultural Sound Alerts
The Farmland Alarm Clock Clucks and Moos to Stir You from Sleep
Aromatherapy Alarms
Aromatherapy Alarms
Introducing the 'Fragrance Releasing Talking Cat Alarm Clock'
Finger-Friendly Timekeepers
Finger-Friendly Timekeepers
The Wall and Bedside Table Touch Clock is Ideal for Tech-Savvy Seniors
Portable PC Tablets
Portable PC Tablets
The UBQT Home Web Appliance Makes Computing More Accessible
Sci-Fi Wake-Up Widgets
Sci-Fi Wake-Up Widgets
The 'Star Wars' LEGO Minifig Alarm Clock Helps You Get Out of Bed
Blackboard Time-Tellers
Blackboard Time-Tellers
The Chalkboard Kitchen Clock is Perfect for Teaching Kids to Tell Time
Image-Based Alarms
Image-Based Alarms
The Zazoo Photo Clock Uses Graphics to Put Your Kids to Sleep
Imminent Explosion Building Blocks
Imminent Explosion Building Blocks
Jenga Boom Cuts Playing Time by Putting Players Under Pressure
Abused Alarms
Abused Alarms
Stop the Mr. Bump Alarm Clock by Tossing it with Rage
Whiteboard Wall Clocks
Whiteboard Wall Clocks
The Little Note Clock Lets You Communicate Timing by Doodling on the Face
Traffic Light Timers
Traffic Light Timers
The Stoplight Alarm Clock Signals When to Wake Up for Toddlers
Superhero Alarms
Superhero Alarms
The 'Funko Iron Man 2 Clock Lamp' is for the Ultimate Comic Fan
Alarming Doodle Dolls
Alarming Doodle Dolls
The Throwie Alarm Clock is Designed to be Drawn On
Video Game Alarms
Video Game Alarms
Can't Afford em Crafts Designs Recycled Gaming Cartridge Clocks
Adventurous Shape-Shifting Clocks
Adventurous Shape-Shifting Clocks
The Adventure Time Alarm Clock Radio is for the Franchise's Fans
Siren-Blasting Backpacks
Siren-Blasting Backpacks
The iSafe Alarm System Bag Gives Parents Peace of Mind
Sci-Fi Robot Time Tellers
Sci-Fi Robot Time Tellers
The R2D2 Alarm Clock Projects the Time onto a Nearby Surface
Commuter Alarm Clock
Commuter Alarm Clock
Gets You to the Train On Time
Expressive Alarm Clocks
Expressive Alarm Clocks
The Takara Tomy Clockman Empathizes With You
Hero-Calling Alarm Clocks
Hero-Calling Alarm Clocks
You Can Relieve Your Favorite Batman Moment with the Batman Signal Clock
Minimalist Time-Tellers
Minimalist Time-Tellers
The FreakishCLOCK Wall Clock by Sabrina Fossi is Easy to Read
Bed Shaking Fire Alarms
Bed Shaking Fire Alarms
Smoke-Detecting Clock Wakes Heavy Sleepers With Sound & Motion
Digital Block Clocks
Digital Block Clocks
The Hans Andersson Time Twister is a LEGO Made Minute Machine
Juicy Alarms
Juicy Alarms
The Juice Box Alarm Clock is a Wake Up Call in Disguise
Loudacious Alarm Clocks
Loudacious Alarm Clocks
The Fire Bell Alarm Clock Wakes The Deepest Sleepers
The Wet Diaper Alarm
The Wet Diaper Alarm
Fridge Alarms
Fridge Alarms
Say Goodbye to Midnight Snacks With This Kitchen Cop