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20 Booze-Filled Beer Kegs

From DIY Pumpkin Kegs to Alcoholic Arcade Games

— February 7, 2013 — Eco
For most people, beer kegs first make an appearance in their lives during the college years. Young, wild and crazy, college students are well known for their keg parties. Such unruly festivities have been immortalized in movies like Old School and play out all over the world courtesy of beer kegs.

Beer kegs are advantageous for gatherings involving lots of drinkers because they store so much beer at once and reduce the amount of bottles or cans left laying around after a party. Here , a few DIY kegs can be observed that involve fruits and vegetables. One idea is to make a pumpkin into a keg and the other involves a watermelon. Either option will probably effect the taste of the beer though, so be aware if you decide to make your own beer keg.
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iPad Brew Trackers
iPad Brew Trackers
The Yelp Kegmate Can Monitor All Aspects of Your Drinking
Digitalized Droid Kegs
Digitalized Droid Kegs
Paul Carff's Kegdroid Gives Way to the Future of Bartending
Festive DIY Booze Barrels
Festive DIY Booze Barrels
The Pumpkin Beer Keg is Appropriate for Halloween Parties
Countertop Beer Kegs
Countertop Beer Kegs
The 'Draftmark Tap System' Keeps Brews Cool and Fresh for Up to 30 Days
Arcade Kegs
Arcade Kegs
The Ultimate Gaming and Drinking Experience Made Possible by the Arkeg
Blow-Up Booze Coolers
Blow-Up Booze Coolers
The Inflatable Beer Bucket is the Perfect Item for Any Party
Onyx Booze Kegs
Onyx Booze Kegs
BeerTender Black Edition is All About Drinking in Style
Tiny Take-Anywhere Kegs
Tiny Take-Anywhere Kegs
‘Tapje' Keg Allows Consumers to Drink Draft Beer at Home
GPS To Track Alcohol
GPS To Track Alcohol
Beer Kegs Go High Tech
Liquor-Filled Fruits
Liquor-Filled Fruits
The Watermelon Keg Mixes and Pours All at Once
Insulated Keg Coolers
Insulated Keg Coolers
The Neoprene KegSkin Keeps Beer Ice-Cold and
Computer Kegs
Computer Kegs
The Wine USB Key Commercials Show People Filling Up at Desks
Personal Bar
Personal Bar
WunderBar Dispenses Keg Beer, Cold Wine and Drinks
Compact Cylindrical Kitchenettes
Compact Cylindrical Kitchenettes
MiniKitchen by Adriano Conti Reduces a Room to a Barrel
DIY Traveling Bars
DIY Traveling Bars
The Beer Bike is a Unique Bar on Wheels
Intoxicating 'Star Wars' Tributes
Intoxicating 'Star Wars' Tributes
The 'Beer2D2' Heineken R2-D2 by Lockwasher Rocks
Unique Gifts for Dads
Unique Gifts for Dads
From Remote Control Beer Kegs to Solar Powered BBQs
Innovative Beverage Chillers
Innovative Beverage Chillers
The Refresh Drink Cooler Perfects Temperature On-the-Go
Portable Mini-Kegs
Portable Mini-Kegs
Home Draught Lets You Pour Your Favorite Pint Straight From the Fridge
Portable Draught Kegs
Portable Draught Kegs
Heineken Brings You 5 Litres Of Fun