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30 Incredible Baby Gadgets

From Climate-Controlled Strollers to iPhone Baby Monitors

— April 16, 2009 — Life-Stages
The sheer number of baby gadgets on the market proves that there's no better time than the present to be a baby--or a parent.

With iPhone baby monitors, temperature-sensitive bottles, robot babysitters, and recumbent bikes that rock baby to sleep, the baby gadgets in the cluster below are sure to please any tech-savvy parent.

Implications - Though the modern parent does know that physical interaction with a child is a necessity, the digital age dictates that everything be done with a little technological assistance. Ultimately, the concept of saving people from labor lies at the basis of the technology industry, and since some parts of parenting are exhausting, it's only right that parenting gadgets come into play.
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Beauty of Babies Tested By DNA
Beauty of Babies Tested By DNA
Condition Your Baby's Sleeping Patterns
Next Gen Baby Naming
Next Gen Baby Naming
SMS Language Influences Name Choice
Computer Programs for Babies
Computer Programs for Babies
Babysmash! for Windows
OV Fertility Watch
OV Fertility Watch
A Gadget for Couples
4D Baby Scans
4D Baby Scans
Echographic Ultra-Sounds Reveal Facial Expressions
Unborn Baby Bloggers
Unborn Baby Bloggers
The 'Kickbee' Fetus Sends Twitter Tweets Via Kicks
Baby-Naming Algorithms
Baby-Naming Algorithms
What A Lovely Name
$1 Baby Monitors
$1 Baby Monitors
iPhone App Calls You When It Detects Noise
Listen to your Fetus at Home
Listen to your Fetus at Home
Bebe Sounds
Your Fetus on an iPod
Your Fetus on an iPod
Hi-Def iBaby Scans
Why Cry Baby Monitor
Why Cry Baby Monitor
Fetal Heartbeat MP3s
Fetal Heartbeat MP3s
‘Beforme' Baby Eavesdropping Device
Robotic Babysitters
Robotic Babysitters
In-Store Robo-Nanny Lets You Shop in Peace
Water Bottle to Baby Bottle Adapter
Water Bottle to Baby Bottle Adapter
Chinese Child Ball
Chinese Child Ball
New Sport or a Bubble for Babysitting?
Protect Your Fetus From Radiation
Protect Your Fetus From Radiation
Mummywraps Force Field
Parental Exercise Bikes
Parental Exercise Bikes
The 'Bike Dream Machine' Rocks Babies To Sleep
Glowing Baby Safety Pods
Glowing Baby Safety Pods
Grobag Egg Changes Color To Monitor Room Temperature
Headphones for Stomachs
Headphones for Stomachs
Geof Ramsay's 'B(l)aby' Lets Mommies Share MP3s With Womb
Baby Buggy Converts to Scooter
Baby Buggy Converts to Scooter
Roller Buggy
Temperature Controlled Baby Stroller
Temperature Controlled Baby Stroller
Combi LX-720 Buggy
Humanized Temperature Gadgets
Humanized Temperature Gadgets
The Lunar Baby Thermometer
Bullet-Proof Baby Stroller
Bullet-Proof Baby Stroller
A Bubble for Your Baby
iPhone Baby Trackers
iPhone Baby Trackers
‘Trixie Tracker' Record-Keeping App Helps Busy Parents
Toddler Head Protection
Toddler Head Protection
Thudguard Baby Helmet
Baby Travel 2.0
Baby Travel 2.0
The 'Tot Pod' Concept for Samsonite
Temperature-Sensitive Baby Bottles
Temperature-Sensitive Baby Bottles
Thermochromic Ink is Green When Milk is Warm, Red When It's Hot
Innovative Baby Bottles
Innovative Baby Bottles
Adiri Natural Nurser is Like a Breast