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Top 30 Kitchen Ideas in August

From One-Handed Sieves to Quick-Flip Breakfast Makers

— August 27, 2017 — Art & Design
When it comes to the modern-day homecook, the August 2017 kitchen trends reveal that speed and efficiency remain top priorities. As a result, there is a wide range of products that help consumers speed up cooking times.

As the August 2017 kitchen trends demonstrate, anything that can cut down on prep time is a major hit among consumers. One example of such products is the Dash Masha 2X, which operates similar to an immersion blender in that it helps to smooth and mix ingredients. A more low-tech example is an avocado-ripening sack called the Avocado Sock, which speeds up the ripening process for the popular green fruit.

In addition to cutting down on prep time, consumers are also looking to speed up the cooking process. Some of the ingenious devices helping to cook foods faster include the Flippin’ Fantastic pancake flipper and the Happycall Diamond Non-Stick Frying Pans.
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Quick-Flip Breakfast Makers
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