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30 Laborious Alarm Clocks

From Explosive Grenade Alarms to Clocky

— February 6, 2011 — Tech
These laborious alarm clocks are just about everyone’s worst nightmare. When I say “laborious,” I mean that these bad boys are going to force you to get up and put some effort into shutting them off.

Whether they automatically roll away from you or blast a high-pitched sound, these alarms aren’t for night owls. Check out these laborious alarm clocks and see which one you would like to put a hammer through if it woke you up.
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Geographical Wake-Up Calls
Geographical Wake-Up Calls
The Sleep Blaster iPhone App Will Eliminate Tardiness for Good
Chatterbox Clocks
Chatterbox Clocks
The 'Talking Apple Clock' Will Talk Your Head Off
Rocking Time-Tellers
Rocking Time-Tellers
The Octopus Clock is Designed to Shake, Rattle and Roll
Light Awakening Alarms
Light Awakening Alarms
The Verluxi Rise and Shine Wakes You With the Power of Light
Agricultural Sound Alerts
Agricultural Sound Alerts
The Farmland Alarm Clock Clucks and Moos to Stir You from Sleep
Chirping Time-Tellers
Chirping Time-Tellers
The Bird Alarm Clock Offers a Simple Silhouette for Your Bedside Table
Kidsmart Vocal Smoke Alarm
Kidsmart Vocal Smoke Alarm
High-Pitched Alarms
High-Pitched Alarms
Sonic Alert Clocks Punish Your Ears with Blaring Decibels
Toppling Time Tellers
Toppling Time Tellers
The Tocky Alarm Clock Rolls Away When It's Time to Wake Up
Deafening Alarm Clocks
Deafening Alarm Clocks
The Amplicom TLC 200 Was Created for the Hearing-Impaired
Amplified Awakeners
Amplified Awakeners
World's Loudest Alarm Clock is like an Espresso for Your Ears
Conniving Alarm Clocks
Conniving Alarm Clocks
Alice Wang's Tyrant Clock Calls a Random Friend Until You Wake Up
Catapulting Wakeup Calls
Catapulting Wakeup Calls
The Aphelion Alarm Clock Clocks You Over the Head
Bed-Shaking Alarm Clocks
Bed-Shaking Alarm Clocks
The iLuv MM178 Vibe Plus is One Hardcore Wake-Up Call
Expressive Alarm Clocks
Expressive Alarm Clocks
The Takara Tomy Clockman Empathizes With You
Explosive Grenade Alarms
Explosive Grenade Alarms
The Tangible User Interface Alarm Clock Forces You Out of Bed
Vibrator Alarm Clock
Vibrator Alarm Clock
Wake Up With a Buzz
Laser Beam Alarm Clocks
Laser Beam Alarm Clocks
Bullseye Shot Turns it Off
Puzzle Alarm Clock
Puzzle Alarm Clock
A "Pieceful" Start To The Day
Loudacious Alarm Clocks
Loudacious Alarm Clocks
The Fire Bell Alarm Clock Wakes The Deepest Sleepers
Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock
Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock
Shakes Your Bed and Screams over 110 db
Anti-Snooze Alarm Clocks
Anti-Snooze Alarm Clocks
The Sleepy Alarm Clock from Pedro Gomes Won't Let You Rest
Gun-Operated Alarm Clock
Gun-Operated Alarm Clock
Carpet Alarm Clock
Carpet Alarm Clock
Stand Up to Turn Off
Exploding Alarm Clocks
Exploding Alarm Clocks
Danger Bomb Alarm Clock Gets You Up Quickly
Anti-Snooze Button Technology
Anti-Snooze Button Technology
The Shocking Alarm Clock
Flying Alarm Clock
Flying Alarm Clock
Trigger-Happy Timers
Trigger-Happy Timers
Wake and Wield with the 'Gun Shooting Alarm Clock'
Clock Donates Your Money To Charity When You Hit Snooze
Clock Donates Your Money To Charity When You Hit Snooze
SnūzNLūz Alarm Clock
The Alarm Clock that runs away and hides from you