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31 Pieces of Anatomical Jewelry

From Skull Rings to Organ Necklaces

— April 26, 2010 — Fashion
Dress up your wardrobe with anatomical jewelry by channeling Anatomy 101. When it comes to jewelry, diamonds are no longer a girl’s best friend. Instead, try brains, skulls, skeletons or human hair.

For some, the greatest inspiration is the bodily structure of humans and animals alike. Take a look at these anatomical jewelry creations with everything from skull rings to BBQ jewelry to organ necklaces.

Implications - Anatomical jewelry isn't just for the macabre; even fashionistas with a more conservative personal style can find skull-inspired rings, intricate woven bracelets and jeweled pendants to set off their look with panache. Some pieces, however, are strictly meant for consumers who love to shock others.
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