From Connected Meditation Cushions to Light-Emitting Sleep Boxes
The examples in the 2019 gadgets trends round-up spotlight how various tech products are geared toward easing one or more facets of our lives. Most of these are focused on wellness, convenience, productivity, and efficiency. The targeted demographic is also diverse in age and in some instances, the product is pet-centric — the TailTalk Water Dispenser, for example, is a purification pet bowl that is intended to keep cats healthy.
The 2019 gadgets trends also call attention to an innovation that went viral thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. The Zucklight is a minimalist wooden box that Facebook's creator made for his wife to give her peace of mind and enable a sounder sleep. Later, the Zucklight was launched as a Kickstarter campaign and was met with great popularity.
The 2019 gadgets trends also call attention to an innovation that went viral thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. The Zucklight is a minimalist wooden box that Facebook's creator made for his wife to give her peace of mind and enable a sounder sleep. Later, the Zucklight was launched as a Kickstarter campaign and was met with great popularity.