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Top 100 Gadgets Trends in 2019

From Connected Meditation Cushions to Light-Emitting Sleep Boxes

— January 25, 2020 — Tech
The examples in the 2019 gadgets trends round-up spotlight how various tech products are geared toward easing one or more facets of our lives. Most of these are focused on wellness, convenience, productivity, and efficiency. The targeted demographic is also diverse in age and in some instances, the product is pet-centric — the TailTalk Water Dispenser, for example, is a purification pet bowl that is intended to keep cats healthy.

The 2019 gadgets trends also call attention to an innovation that went viral thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. The Zucklight is a minimalist wooden box that Facebook's creator made for his wife to give her peace of mind and enable a sounder sleep. Later, the Zucklight was launched as a Kickstarter campaign and was met with great popularity.
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Water-Sanitizing Bottle Caps
Water-Sanitizing Bottle Caps
The Microlyscs 'CrazyCap' Kills 99.9999% of Bacteria, Mold and More
Four-in-One Smartphone Speakers
Four-in-One Smartphone Speakers
The 'Magic Box' Audio Solution Expands Smartphone Functionality
Underwater Wearable Audio Devices
Underwater Wearable Audio Devices
The 'Zygo' Wireless Bone Conduction Headset Keeps Ears Open
In-Wristband Wireless Earbuds
In-Wristband Wireless Earbuds
'Wearbuds' are the First Wristband-Housed True Wireless Earbuds
Long-Distance Communication Illuminators
Long-Distance Communication Illuminators
The Long Distance Friendship Lamp Keeps Users in Touch
Shapeshifting Workspace Cooling Equipment
Shapeshifting Workspace Cooling Equipment
This Desktop Fan Goes Handheld When Required
Fitness-Tracking Canine Wearables
Fitness-Tracking Canine Wearables
The 'FitBark 2' Tracks Dog Sleep, Activity and More
Automated Handheld Tire Inflators
Automated Handheld Tire Inflators
The Norshire Mini Tire Inflator Keeps Drivers Prepared
Hair-Vacuuming Trimmers
Hair-Vacuuming Trimmers
Wahl's New Facial Hair Trimmer Cleans Up After Itself
Aftermarket Connected Watch Straps
Aftermarket Connected Watch Straps
The Sony Wena Watch Strap Upgrades Analog Timepieces
Hangable Hollow Sound Systems
Hangable Hollow Sound Systems
The Conceptual 'Eclipse Zero Sound' Speaker is Stylishly Modern
Three-in-One Self-Defense Tools
Three-in-One Self-Defense Tools
The PepperBall LifeLite Fires Nonlethal Irritants for Defense
AI Visualization Projectors
AI Visualization Projectors
The Conceptual Google Visual Assistant Enhances the User Experience
Automatic Wi-Fi-Enabled Dog Toys
Automatic Wi-Fi-Enabled Dog Toys
GomiBall is the Ultimate Tech-Savvy and Playful Toy Ball for Dogs
Five-in-One Connectivity Cables
Five-in-One Connectivity Cables
The VONMÄHLEN 'High Five' Charging Cable is Ultra-Efficient
Dual Mini Recording Cameras
Dual Mini Recording Cameras
The 'OPKIXOne' Wearable Camera Transforms the Recording Experience
Wireless Curling Wands
Wireless Curling Wands
Lunata Hair is Launching Its Cordless Hair Styler at CES 2019
Fiber Optic Festival Packs
Fiber Optic Festival Packs
The NEBULITE Collection Bags Create a Chromatic Visual Experience
Retro-Inspired Speaker Units
Retro-Inspired Speaker Units
The Xiaomi Elvis Atomic Speaker Looks Like a Mini Turntable
Small Space Laser Projectors
Small Space Laser Projectors
The LG Laser 4K CineBeam HU85LA Only Needs Two Inches of Clearance
Bacteria-Revealing Travel Lights
Bacteria-Revealing Travel Lights
The 'ReveaLED' UV Flashlight Identifies Unseen Contaminants
Strain-Healing Eye Masks
Strain-Healing Eye Masks
The Umay Rest Eye Mask Soothes Discomfort from Technology Use
Wireless Charger Fanny Packs
Wireless Charger Fanny Packs
The Ampere Side Pocket Powers Up Devices in a Discreet Way
Athlete-Approved Massagers
Athlete-Approved Massagers
The NextRoller 'InfinityBall' Works Out Tension from Sports and More
Noninvasive Fat-Freezing Devices
Noninvasive Fat-Freezing Devices
The Fat Freezer Platinum Targets Stubborn Fat Deposits
Digital Fidget Gadgets
Digital Fidget Gadgets
FidgeX is Microprocessor-Based and Shares Interactive Activities
Automated Pan-Stirring Appliances
Automated Pan-Stirring Appliances
The Uutensil Stirr Prevents Recipes from Burning or Clumping
Automated Bread-Making Robots
Automated Bread-Making Robots
Wilkinson Baking is Unveiling the BreadBot at CES 2019
AI Skincare Platforms
AI Skincare Platforms
CES 2019 Introduced Consumers to the 'Olay Skin Advisor'
Paired Pet Toys
Paired Pet Toys
This PetSafe Plaything Moves Sounds Between Two Electronic Dog Toys
Circulating Purification Pet Bowls
Circulating Purification Pet Bowls
The TailTalk Water Dispenser Helps Keep Cats Healthy
Connected Muscle Workout Wearables
Connected Muscle Workout Wearables
The 'ElectroFit' Smart Fitness Device Optimizes Muscle Training
Self-Stabilizing Hoverboard Scooters
Self-Stabilizing Hoverboard Scooters
The HX Urban Hoverboard Offers a Top Speed of 11mph
Lung-Training Relaxation Devices
Lung-Training Relaxation Devices
The Kitoki Calming Fresh Air Device Encourages Deep Breaths
Retinal Projection Laptop Concepts
Retinal Projection Laptop Concepts
The 'Aura' Laptop is Free from Built-in Displays
Small Space Air Purifiers
Small Space Air Purifiers
The 'mint' Air Purifier Cleans Bags, Luggage and More
Connected Meditation Cushions
Connected Meditation Cushions
Aduri's Product Harnesses New Tech to Deliver Optimal Relaxation
Interactive Illumination Projectors
Interactive Illumination Projectors
The bIOSlab 'Lumi' Projector Lamp Enables Immersive Content
IoT Dog Collar Devices
IoT Dog Collar Devices
The Conceptual Motorola Activa Keeps an Eye on a Dog's Location and More
Precise Electric Bread Ovens
Precise Electric Bread Ovens
Mitsubishi Releases a New Product That Toasts Bread to Perfection
Smartphone-Powered HUDs
Smartphone-Powered HUDs
The FIXD VIZR Makes Smartphone Use While Driving Safer
Retro-Inspired Smart Speakers
Retro-Inspired Smart Speakers
This Smart Home Speaker Draws Inspiration from Tube TVs
Palm-Sized Mobile Printers
Palm-Sized Mobile Printers
The 'PrinCube' Can be Used on Any Surface for Quick Projects
Multifunctional Mini Handheld Vacuums
Multifunctional Mini Handheld Vacuums
The 'Pacum' Handheld Vacuum Aids with Packing and More
Collapsible Camping Kettles
Collapsible Camping Kettles
The 'Voyager Kettle' is Optimized for Travel
Hybrid Bluetooth Speaker Bottles
Hybrid Bluetooth Speaker Bottles
The Bluetooth Speaker & Water Bottle is Perfect for a Picnic
Earphone Case-Equipped Smartwatches
Earphone Case-Equipped Smartwatches
The Conceptual 'AirWatch' Puts the AirPods Case on the Wrist
Smart App-Free Pet Toys
Smart App-Free Pet Toys
The Cheerble 'Wicked Ball' Keeps Cats and Dogs Busy for Extended Periods
Programmable Blackout Curtains
Programmable Blackout Curtains
SwitchBot Curtains Will Can Be Programmed to Open or Close
Keyboard-Embedded Thumb Drives
Keyboard-Embedded Thumb Drives
The 'Saint Antoine' USB Key Fits Snuggly into a Keyboard
Wearable Hydration Misters
Wearable Hydration Misters
The 'ExtremeMist' Personal Cooling System Prevents Athletic Overheating
Mechanical Keyboard Fidget Toys
Mechanical Keyboard Fidget Toys
'CLICKEYbits' Let Users Try Out Different Keyboard Switches
Automotive Emoticon Displays
Automotive Emoticon Displays
The 'Mojipic' Car Accessory Lets Drivers Communicate Through Emojis
High-Quality Phone Camera Accessories
High-Quality Phone Camera Accessories
The Bitplay Snap Case Takes DSLR-Like iPhone Photos
Elegant Wireless Charger Trays
Elegant Wireless Charger Trays
The Gaze Tray Organizes and Charges All Your Devices
Holistic Pet Lifestyle Wearables
Holistic Pet Lifestyle Wearables
The 'PETBLE' Pet Tracker Keeps an Eye on Activity and More
Audio Accessory Jewelry Pieces
Audio Accessory Jewelry Pieces
The Conceptual OnePlus Bullet Earphones Hang Off a Necklace
Assisting Multi-Functional Car Tools
Assisting Multi-Functional Car Tools
The TRILIGHT is a Multipurpose Tool with Seven Features
Light-Emitting Sleep Boxes
Light-Emitting Sleep Boxes
The Zucklight Helps Moms Know When to Get Up and Start the Day
Short-Throw Projection Clocks
Short-Throw Projection Clocks
This Projection Wall Clock Concept Keeps Users Connected
Bespoke Skincare Systems
Bespoke Skincare Systems
The Olay Labs Moments Creates Customized Skincare in Real-Time at Home
Wireless Wooden Home Lights
Wireless Wooden Home Lights
The ZIISTLE 'Dot & Line' Auto-Sensor Motion Night Light is Discreet
Driver Car Communication Displays
Driver Car Communication Displays
The 'RoadWayve' Keeps Drivers in Contact with Others on the Road
Precision Skincare Systems
Precision Skincare Systems
The Opté Precision Skincare System Brings Targeted Care to CES 2019
Wireless Earphone Earrings
Wireless Earphone Earrings
Twitter User Tackles Viral Internet Craze with AirPod Earrings
Smart Vacuuming Brooms
Smart Vacuuming Brooms
VaBroom is a Smart Broom That is Convenience-Focused & Performance-Driven
Plastic-Free Tech Designs
Plastic-Free Tech Designs
Mario Alessiani Purposely Crafted Modern Objects Without Plastic
Noninvasive Nanotechnology Pain Relievers
Noninvasive Nanotechnology Pain Relievers
The 'Kailo' Nanotech Pain Relief Patch Aids Recovery
Stylish Hovering Pens
Stylish Hovering Pens
The Hoverpen is Thoughtfully Designed and Appears to Defy Gravity
Innovative Peanut Butter Dispensers
Innovative Peanut Butter Dispensers
The Peanut Butter Pump is Currently Being Funded on Indiegogo
Wireless Metallic Smart Mugs
Wireless Metallic Smart Mugs
The Ember Limited Edition Copper Mug is Stylish and Functional
High-Tech Self-Care Gadgets
High-Tech Self-Care Gadgets
Panasonic's Balance of Being Concepts Support the Skin & Hair
Minimalist Home Technology Solutions
Minimalist Home Technology Solutions
The 'Pedora' Smart Home Products Has a Soft Visual Aesthetic
Cold Weather Wearables
Cold Weather Wearables
The 'Wraapit' Outdoor Smart Band Can be Installed in Just One Second
Technologically Integrated Beds
Technologically Integrated Beds
Hi-Interior Has a New Smart Bed with a Retractable Projector
Handheld Canister Coffee Brewers
Handheld Canister Coffee Brewers
The Conceptual 'Daily Addiction 2.0' Coffee Maker Works Anywhere
Tether-Powered Restraint Devices
Tether-Powered Restraint Devices
The Wrap Technologies BolaWrap 100 is Effective
Connected Kettlebells
Connected Kettlebells
JAXJOX Showcased Its Smart Kettlebell for High-Tech Workouts at CES 2019
Flexible Wireless Chargers
Flexible Wireless Chargers
PlusUs' Xpad is an Ultra-Thin Wireless Charger with an Eco Design
Smart Self-Sanitizing Cutting Boards
Smart Self-Sanitizing Cutting Boards
The 'SmartChop' Has a Built-in Scale, Timer and More
Self-Cleaning Water Bottles
Self-Cleaning Water Bottles
The 'Luma Bottle' Uses UV-C Light to Kill 99.999% of Bacteria
Food-Steaming Lunchboxes
Food-Steaming Lunchboxes
The 'Heatbox' Self-Heating Lunchbox Keeps Foods Tasting Fresh
Customizable LED Backpacks
Customizable LED Backpacks
The Pix Mini is a Backpack for Kids That Features a Programmable Screen
Breath-Tracking Babywear
Breath-Tracking Babywear
Nanit Breathing Wear Tracks Respiration, Sleep & Movement Patterns
Nature-Inspired Mindfulness Devices
Nature-Inspired Mindfulness Devices
The 'Moment Pebble' is an Effective Way to Reduce Stress
High-Tech Gym Equipment
High-Tech Gym Equipment
HOLODIA Introduces Bikes, Rowing Machines and More Equipped with VR Games
Protective Biometric Wallets
Protective Biometric Wallets
The Trova Go Stores Essential Items Securely within
Stylish Countertop Hydroponic Gardens
Stylish Countertop Hydroponic Gardens
Rotofarm by Bace Ensure Consumers Enjoy Fresh Veggies
Focus-Boosting Desktop Accessories
Focus-Boosting Desktop Accessories
POD Helps to Combat Procrastination & Increase Productivity
Twisting Pocket-Friendly Projectors
Twisting Pocket-Friendly Projectors
The Conceptual 'Swivel' Projector Protects Components
All-in-One Emergency Survival Tools
All-in-One Emergency Survival Tools
The 'LIFESABER' Wilderness Survival Tool is Robust
Hip Hoop Earring Headphones
Hip Hoop Earring Headphones
The 'YoonJy' Earphones Have Built-in Earrings for a Fashionable Finish
Instantaneous Heat Camping Devices
Instantaneous Heat Camping Devices
The 'Hot Pocket' from Sierra Madre Research Works Anywhere
Personalized High-Tech Beauty Pop-Ups
Personalized High-Tech Beauty Pop-Ups
Clinique's Immersive Shop Embraces Virtual Reality's Perks
Balancing Fidget Toys
Balancing Fidget Toys
The RODA is a Gyroscope Desk Toy That Can Balance on One's Finger
Inflatable Mobile Broadcast Studios
Inflatable Mobile Broadcast Studios
DropKey Studio in a Bag Offers Backgrounds for Streamers
Replaceable Component Toothbrushes
Replaceable Component Toothbrushes
The Conceptual '2°C' Toothbrush Reduces Plastic Waste by 87%
Circular Smart Gardens
Circular Smart Gardens
The OGarden Smart is Capable of Growing 90 Fruits & Vegetables at Once
Accessible Sex Aid Suits
Accessible Sex Aid Suits
Ripple is a Masturbation Suit That is Meant for People with Disabilities
Counter Space-Saving Cookers
Counter Space-Saving Cookers
The 'Ordine' Cooking Hub is Optimized for Small Living Spaces