Sculpture Bags
Bags are a critical part of a woman's style statement, which is why it's no wonder there are so many incredible handbags on the market. Traditionally, purses come in standard geometric shapes, mostly rectangular, and while mainstream designers do play with size, colour and pattern of bags, the general shape remains pretty conservative.
However, there are a few innovative handbag designers who are focusing on distinguishing their bags by shape, developing incredible structures, forms, mini-sculptures and detailed molds.
Here are some of the most interesting bags, including three shaped like dogs and two shaped like guns, that we've featured on Trend Hunter.
However, there are a few innovative handbag designers who are focusing on distinguishing their bags by shape, developing incredible structures, forms, mini-sculptures and detailed molds.
Here are some of the most interesting bags, including three shaped like dogs and two shaped like guns, that we've featured on Trend Hunter.