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 Keynote Speaker

Pat Coate

Near Dallas, Texas
Member Since
Feb 2009
I live on the prairie north of Dallas, but LOVE the beach. I have 3 college degrees and have written 3 books, but have yet to attain the John Grisham lifestyle! My husband and daughter are ab fab. We enjoy cycling, playing tennis, and studyinghistory and religion. We are also trend fanatics.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I am a pet hoarder.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
Co-authoring a book about the racial history of America.
How do you define cool?
Pete Wentz.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Spider-webbing research.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
The variety of info offered.
What is your favorite trend?
Everybody everywhere is going green (at last)!
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Catching attention and generation inspiration.
How do you reset to be creative?
Yoga by candlelight.
What inspires or excites you?
All the new green technology -- it's sick.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
We will ALL be driving solar-powered vehicles. It will happen; just you watch.
Mass Cultural Venues
Mass Cultural Venues
Paranormal Becoming Normal on Convention Scene
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been quite certain ghosts exist. I’ve seen AND heard the buggers several times over the past decade or so.  However, I remember just a few short years ago when,… MORE
Revisiting Unsolved Mysteries
Revisiting Unsolved Mysteries
Rubber Bands Hold New Clues in D.B. Cooper Case
Poor D.B. Cooper. They just won’t let the iconic hijacker rest in peace--or keep living it up in peace, whichever the case may be. Almost forty years after the man parachuted from an airliner and into… MORE
Cow Pie-Powered Cars
Cow Pie-Powered Cars
Dairy Farmers Pioneer Biomethane-Powered 18-Wheel Trucks
It was there, heaps and heaps of it lying around literally all over the darned place. Some California dairy farmers looked at each other and asked, “So why the heck are we paying for fuel?” They are… MORE
Animal Poo Paper
Animal Poo Paper
Products Made From Wombat Scat for Sustainable Living
First it was kangaroo-poo paper, now it’s wombat-poo paper. The Tasmanian company, Creative Paper, is certainly doing its darnedest to help make the world a sustainable place to live. Oh, and the processed… MORE
Instant Tent Is The Best Innovations for Lazy Outdoor Enthusiasts
I love camping; I really do, but one thing that drives me to absolute distraction about the experience is the frustrating, arduous, and life-sucking process known as ‘setting up the tent.’ All those poles… MORE
Jet Kayaking
Jet Kayaking
Shaun Baker's 330cc Engine Gives Kick to the Traditional Kayak
You say skydiving, bungee-jumping and motocross just don't cut it for you any longer? Well, one thrill-seeking Brit has discovered a heart-pounder of an alternative. Shaun Baker, world-class waterfall-kayaking… MORE
6-Pound Burritos
6-Pound Burritos
Las Vegas' NASCAR Cafe Bets You Can't Finish the Bomb Burrito
Are you up for a little gastronomic challenge? Well, folks at the Sahara Casino’s NASCAR cafe (in Vegas, of course) are betting you can’t finish off their new 6-pound $19.95 Bomb Burrito--similar in size… MORE
Self-Fueling Robots
Self-Fueling Robots
The EATR Will Hunt and Forage for Its Energy
You knew it had to happen, right? They’ve come up with a robot (see first photo) that fuels itself--no hands-on help required. The Energetically Autonomous Tactile Robot, or “EATR,” will hunt and forage… MORE
Green Golf Resorts
Green Golf Resorts
Moshulu Golf Course Houses Filtration Plant Beneath Driving Range
This might just be the Holy Grail of ‘green’ multipurposing. They needed a water-filtration plant in the Bronx and, unfortunately, the most viable site was considered to be the Mosholu Golf Course, one… MORE
Twittering Food Trucks
Twittering Food Trucks
Koji BBQ Taco Truck Fuels Hungry Angelenos
The guys that run the Koji Korean BBQ taco truck must be onto something. Koji BBQ has an active Twitter account (@KogiBBQ), where they post their exact location du jour. When nighttime falls in La-La… MORE
Laser-Engraved Government IDs
Laser-Engraved Government IDs
Virginia Introduces Black & White Driver's Licenses
The latest in national security measures, spearheaded by the state of Virginia, involves doing away with colorized driver’s licenses and IDs and replacing them with laser-engraved black-and-white ones.… MORE
Portable Work Spaces
Portable Work Spaces
The Pop-Up 'Standby Office' Gives You Mobility and Privacy
Workplace undergoing renovations? Need to get away to a quieter corner of the house to get things done? Running a shady ‘business’ just one step ahead of the law? Boss having a hissy fit? Well, you can… MORE
Feng-Shui Mountain Architecture
Feng-Shui Mountain Architecture
Vertical City in Shenzhen, China Could Be the Future of Urban Life
As the world’s population burgeons and living space diminishes, architects have begun to literally think outside the box when it comes to finding ways to house everyone in comfortable AND attractive… MORE
Geothermal Cities
Geothermal Cities
Paris To Heat Homes Using 135 Degree F Underground Water
I love Paris in the springtime… and the summer… and the fall… Okay, I just love Paris! One thing that even further endears that gorgeous city to me is the residents’ active pursuit of the green… MORE