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 Keynote Speaker

Jenn Viane

Social Entprepreneur
San Francisco
Member Since
Nov 2011
With a motto like try anything once, Jenn is a serial entrepreneur having launched three companies and counting: a social business and nonprofit consulting firm, a brick and mortar real estate brokerage, and a commercial real estate consulting company. Jenn has a background in marketing, business development and management for non profit organizations and for profit small businesses.

A graduate of Santa Clara University, Jenn is the former Executive Director and current Board member for the FireSafe Council, a proud Rotary member, an organ donor and self proclaimed loud talker.

Jenn's passion is to make a positive impact on the world.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I'm a Pescetarian and I love photos of Siberian Husky puppies. One has nothing to do with the other.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
My children. My marriage. My recent decision to make my passion for social entrepreneurism a full time job.
How do you define cool?
Anything that, when you first see it or hear about it, sends a surge of excitement through your body. Something you HAVE to tell others about. Something you wish you would have thought of/invented. Something that makes you think: OH MY GAWD!
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Finding a passion and finding a niche.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
Discovering new things and a new or different perspective.
What is your favorite trend?
Social business and social entrepreneurs.
What inspires or excites you?
Creative people who are using technology and business to solve the world's greatest challenges and improve the lives of the underserved.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Not one child in the world will die from starvation.
Ethical Vegan Condoms
Ethical Vegan Condoms
GLYDE Products are Certified Pure Natural Pleasure
GLYDE condoms answers the age old question: does size matter? No! It’s not the motion in the ocean or the size of the tide, it’s the craft of the condom. GLYDE condoms are the only certified... MORE
Merete Mueller, Writer & Producer of The Tiny Documentary (INTERVIEW)
Merete Mueller, Writer & Producer of The Tiny Documentary (INTERVIEW)
Small Home Movement
Tiny: A Story About Small Living documents the construction of Merete Mueller and Christopher Smith’s 130-square-foot home in Colorado and highlights other small homes and those who love them.... MORE
Ann Oliver, Founder of XENI Collection (INTERVIEW)
Ann Oliver, Founder of XENI Collection (INTERVIEW)
Couture Fashion for the Physically Disabled
Ann Oliver and XENI Collection gives people limited by their physical disabilities a way to live a practical, independent life. Ann uses her training in architecture and creativity to solve a real... MORE
Global Water Crisis Films
Global Water Crisis Films
The Participant Media 'Last Call at the Oasis' Documentary
Last Call at the Oasis, a documentary by Participant Media, sheds light on the complications and problems facing our water use and highlights entrepreneurs creating innovative solutions to the... MORE
Business-Building Education Programs
Business-Building Education Programs
The Global Social Benefit Incubator at Santa Clara University
In the heart of the Silicon Valley lies Santa Clara University (SCU)—my alma mater and often known as the birthplace of sport superstars such as Brandi Chastain. For those in tech and law, SCU... MORE
Josie Warden, The Thread Project (INTERVIEW)
Josie Warden, The Thread Project (INTERVIEW)
Sustainable and Ethical Design and Manufacturing
Akin to the way a piece of fabric is woven together, The THREAD Project is about making connections between textile and fashion designers, producers and manufacturers around the world. A non-... MORE
Female Tech Charities
Female Tech Charities
Women 2.0 Fosters Girls' Interests in Science and Math
Women 2.0 is a non-profit organization whose vision is “to become a catalyst for change, mobilizing a global community of ambitious women entrepreneurs seeking to advance the world through technology,”… MORE
Marc Palmer, CEO of Fashion Hope (INTERVIEW)
Marc Palmer, CEO of Fashion Hope (INTERVIEW)
A Social Business Against Human Trafficking
Fashion as a catalyst for change: this is a passion of mine so I was very interested when I discovered Fashion Hope, a non-profit that builds awareness and raises funds in the fashion industry to help… MORE
Social Change Education
Social Change Education
The Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students Supports
An Ivy League education often gives students the platform to reach new heights in achievement and opens doors to many opportunities; and the Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students does… MORE