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Educational IT Consultant
Toronto, Canada
Member Since
Apr 2007
One day, Jesse Gold was born Since that day, he's never looked back - mostly because he has a nasty crick in his neck, but also because he's paranoid about people chasing him. Jesse began his illustrious career as a Computer Consultant the age of 13, when he got ticked off at the lousy haul from his Bar-Mitzvah and decided to do something about it.

Currently, Jesse is a Senior Educational Consultant for Robert Gordon and Associates, a full-service IT Consulting firm out of Toronto, Canada that specializes in tech for private schools and small business. Jesse has been the IT Director of a large Toronto private school for the past three years.

Jesse's interest in good design was fostered by his dad, his interest in music by his mom, and his interest in technology by a small pixel that lept off the TV screen that was connected to his Timex-Sinclair 1000 when he was only five, whispering sweet nothings and BASIC code into his tiny ear as he slept and changing the young tyke into the coolest cool-hunter east of Burlington.

Surprisingly for someone with such a cool fetish, Jesse is barely, lukewarmingly cool, and so it shall remain until he makes the kind of cash that will allow him to buy the truly cool objets d'art that will compensate for his fair-to-middling coolitude, and truly bring him the borrowed coolness he so richly deservers. Can I say cool one more time in this Bio? I can? goes: cool.

Ontario Follows Australia, Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs
Ontario Follows Australia, Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs
In a move echoing one made by Australia's Prime Minister less than two weeks ago, CBC News reports that Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty has announced that Ontario will also be phasing out standard incandescent… MORE
Speedy Condoms
Speedy Condoms
Pull Strips for Fast Application
A condom developed by the Japanese and produced in Thailand promises to shorten the time it takes to put on a condom and prevent you from losing "your sexual momentum". The condoms incorporate a patented… MORE
Tipping Point
Tipping Point
More Women than Men Online in 2007
It had to happen sometime...and that sometime is now: You see, while women have outnumbered men on this planet for some time now, the Internet-surfing masses have always skewed towards the yang side of… MORE
Web-Ready Gadgets
Web-Ready Gadgets
Apple Releasing Wi-Fi Equipped iPods
O.K. - here's one for the music and gadget-lovers out there: an iPod rev that can share music via wi-fi like the Zune. Pretty cool. Even cooler if it has a palm-sized implementation of the iTunes music… MORE
Wannabe Rockstar Games
Wannabe Rockstar Games
'Rock Band' Lets You Live the Rock Life Without Rehab
Ever wanted to play in a rock band? Well, Harmonix, makers of the wildly popular Playstation music games "Guitar Hero" and "Guitar Hero II" wants to help make that dream a reality...virtual reality that… MORE
Upcycled Shipwreck Watches
Upcycled Shipwreck Watches
Romain Jerome Creates Watches From Pieces of the Titanic
Ever wanted to own a piece of history? Well, now's your chance, providing you "sink" enough money into the venture. Just when we thought we thought the whole Titanic craze had finally died down (saving… MORE
Pretty Wi-Fi Timepieces
Pretty Wi-Fi Timepieces
Seiko's E-ink Bracelet Watch is Stylized for the Future
Now that everybody and their mother tends to use their cellphone to check the time, watches, more than ever are fahsion and design statements. Picking up on this trend, Seiko introduced a new women's bracelet… MORE
LED Lights to be the New Incandescent
LED Lights to be the New Incandescent
Siemens 1000 Lumen LED
Now you can light your whole house with a (literal) handful of bulbs! A few weeks ago, Siemens announced a one millimetre led bulb with an output of 1000 lumens. For those who aren't aware lumens measure… MORE
Australia Dumps Incandescent Light Bulbs
Australia Dumps Incandescent Light Bulbs
How much energy do you want to save? If you're an Aussie, quite a bit it would seem. In late February, Australian Environment Minister Malcom Turnbull announced that energy-wasting incandescent bulbs would… MORE