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Carl Boutet

Venture Capitalist
Member Since
Feb 2006
A venture capitalist with an eye for technology and style, Carl is a global trend hunter that calls Montreal home. He enjoys Tae Kwon Do, telemarking, alpine skiing, technology and spending time with his family. When it comes to Trend Spotting, Carl says, Hey...why not?
Slacker MP3 Player
Slacker MP3 Player
Intuitive Player Picks Music You'll Like
Slacker is an intuitive MP3 player that can automatically upload music via WiFi or satellite and allow you to "Love it" or "Ban it". The company describes, "Slacker is a new kind of music company. We… MORE
Ultimate Window Shopping
Ultimate Window Shopping
Tap on Glass to Order Clothing
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. is taking impulse shopping one step farther with technology that allows passersby to purchase clothing they see in the windows of one of its New York stores… MORE
Intelligent Carpet Can Autodiscriminate
Intelligent Carpet Can Autodiscriminate
A NEW FORM OF automated prejudice is set to make business decision-making far more efficient. The intelligent carpet, invented in Japan, can tell ... the age, sex and weight of the person walking across… MORE
Sony VoIP Flip Phone / Mouse
Sony VoIP Flip Phone / Mouse
Why use two peripherals when essentially one will do? This simple yet undeniably brilliant concept is the driving force behind the new VAIO VN-CX1 from Sony. No need to choose between navigation and calls… MORE
UV Sensitive Beach Wear
UV Sensitive Beach Wear
The world's first UV Smart Bikini featuring a smart fabric UV meter with Bright LED display - Make sure you don't stay out too long and add a little technology to your tannng. MORE
First Insulin Inhaler
First Insulin Inhaler
The world's first insulin inhaler has been developed by Pfizer. "After more than two decades of daily needle injections to treat his diabetes, Ken Wagner said he was eager to try Exubera, the first inhaled… MORE
KotoHana, a Flower That Shows Your Emotions
KotoHana, a Flower That Shows Your Emotions
NEC will present the KotoHana (the talking flower) at CeBit. It is interactive via the Sensibility Technology (ST) and it recognizes your feelings (happy, sad, angry, ...) and changes colour through LED's,… MORE
Robotic Receptionist at the Japan Airport
Robotic Receptionist at the Japan Airport
This Robotic receptionist is programed to respond to over 200 questions and is presently "employed" at the Kita-Kyushu (Japan) airport. She is a rendering of a popular Japanese cartoon character. We could… MORE
Seiko Cellphone Watch
Seiko Cellphone Watch
Dick Tracy, Max Gadget watch out. Finally we catch up to the future with Seiko's first wrist watch/cell phone. The watch itself is stylish enough to call awesome, so the addition of phone technology makes… MORE
E-Ink Watches
E-Ink Watches
Seiko Spectrum Watch Puts a Hefty Price Tag on Technology
Seiko has introduced the first watch using E-ink. The Seiko Spectrum was recently launched in Japan (only 500 units available) at a cost of US$2200. At 34mm thick and 134g it may be start of a new wave… MORE
Organic Electronics
Organic Electronics
Electronics Get a Little Greener With Wood
Consumer electronics made of wood... For a more organic electronic experience (can you say oxymoron?) Mobiado has produced a wireless handset case made of premium woods; Cocobolo and/Honduras Rosewoods… MORE