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CEO, Buzz Marketing Group
Philadelphia, PA
Member Since
Dec 2006
People often wonder if it is possible to build a successful career doing what you love. Tina Wells, CEO of Buzz Marketing Group, is currently celebrating her tenth year of doing just that. Embracing her passion for fashion and fascination with pop culture, Tina began writing reviews on products and companies that target youth for The New Girl Times, a newspaper for young girls around the age of 16. Realizing the obvious disconnect between teens' desires and companies' misdirected outreach, Tina developed an inventive and creative strategy to forge this gap. She decided to submit her reviews and suggestions directly to the companies and was amazed by their overwhelmingly positive response. They were hooked on the precocious insight Tina was able to deliver and thus, the Buzz MG was born.

After earning her B.A. in Communications Arts and graduating with honors from Hood College in May 2002, Tina was accepted into a post-baccalaureate program at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business for marketing management. Along with Buzz Marketing Group's worldwide network of 9,000+ teen consultants ( buzzSpotters ), Tina has created innovative marketing strategies, focus groups and youth market research for numerous beauty, entertainment, fashion, financial and lifestyle clients.

Tina has won Buzz MG work on research projects such as the What's Your Anti-Drug? campaign, Miller's Not A Drop campaign, Verizon Wireless's FREEUP launch, and Fight For Children's “Create. Promote. Invest.” campaign. Her staple clients include music industry labels (Sony, Jive and Midas), Candie's shoes, Bear Stearns, and ESSENCE Communications.

Tina regularly speaks to various professional audiences across the country. She was chosen as the keynote speaker at the Miller OE 800 Making it Real Business Series, NARM Research Forum, Retail Merchandiser Store-Specific Merchandising & Marketing Conference, ESSENCE Magazine's Women Shaping the World Leadership and Smart Beauty II Conference. Most recently, Tina has been asked to speak at an internal Nickelodeon conference addressing tween and teen trends for 2005. She has been quoted in high profile newspapers nationwide and appeared in O Magazine, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Essence 40 Under 40, NV, Entrepreneur, CosmoGIRL!, BRANDWEEK, Savoy, Le Nouvel Observateur, Ebony, Brass CU's cover and Link magazines. Tina is also a member of The Viral and Buzz Marketing Association and is on the Board for the Business Women's Network (owned by iVillage). Currently, Tina is active on the Christopher Reeve Foundation advisory board, and was inducted into the Friends of the Orphans Project FRIENDS advisory board this past winter. Tina is also attending the post-baccalaureate program at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business for marketing management.
Ice for Gamers
Ice for Gamers
Tetris Ice Cube Trays
These Tetris ice cube trays, designed by Martin Zampach, are the ultimate home necessities if you’ve ever been an old-school Tetris-lover. These trays are the best way to spice up a party, especially… MORE
Fashion Tool Bags
Fashion Tool Bags
Sherry Stein Totes
Sherry Stein was determined to create a line of bags that are both chic and work-friendly, and came up with an extremely fashionable, yet durable line of handbags, computer bags, and accessories. Whether… MORE
Clever Coin Management
Clever Coin Management
Loose Change Clutch
We featured Delight products in last month’s buzzReport, but I couldn’t resist adding this one to the list. The Loose Change Clutch is a fashionable clutch that is like no other. Look closer, and you'll… MORE
Pocket TV for Macs
Pocket TV for Macs
Miglia TVMini HD Express
The Miglia TVMini HD Express is a compact TV for Macs. It allows you to watch, pause, rewind, skip forward and even record live TV. Using state of the art technology, TVMini HD Express also gives you the… MORE
Solar Tables 3
Solar Tables 3
SOLo Lounge Table
The SOLo Lounge Table is the next big thing in luxury yet energy-efficient technology. This elegant table contains silicone cells embedded in the glass that converts solar energy into clean, efficient… MORE
Style Icons as Designers
Style Icons as Designers
Chloe Sevigny for Uniqlo
For a limited time, the Japanese brand Uniqlo is collaborating with actress Chloe Sevigny, featuring a line of t-shirts designed by Chloe herself. Also producing unique designs in this line is Japanese… MORE
Live Broadcasting for the Masses
Live Broadcasting for the Masses
blogTV offers live broadcasting for the masses, perhaps one of the next big trends to hit the net. Launched in late 2007, this site set out with one main goal: empower consumers to broadcast their life.… MORE
Parents Inspired by the Carefree Life of Tweens
Simply put, a tweenebe is a parent or adult who is inspired to live the carefree life of a tween. Tweenebe's are popping up everywhere! They're the parents who want to see High School Musical on ice, the… MORE
Learn to Drive Online
Learn to Drive Online
Why bother learning to drive in a car when you can learn how to drive entirely online? is the largest online drivers ed site. It features DMV approved content and interactive courses all… MORE
Door to Dorm Shipping
Door to Dorm Shipping
Dedicated exclusively to college students and their parents, MadPackers provides an innovative shipping and storage service that improves the college moving experience. With their “door to dorm™”… MORE
Buzz Marketing's 2007 Trend Forecast
Buzz Marketing's 2007 Trend Forecast
So you've seen some of the items that will be hot in 2007--but what about the larger trends? Tina writes about Wharholism, teens' expectation of fame; Massclusivity, exclusive products designed for the… MORE
Future of Teen Magazines
Future of Teen Magazines
I've been writing a lot about the future of teen magazines. You can check out my column in November's Media magazine to get the full scoop on what I think. Here's the bottom line: magazines have to become… MORE
The New Generation's Expectation of Fame
Wharholism is a trend I've been studying for several months now. I believe that our youth are a generation who believe that they will indeed have their 15 minutes of fame. Reality TV, print ad campaigns,… MORE