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 Keynote Speaker

Cory Kierstead

Member Since
Dec 2007
Curtis Creative is a successful entrepreneur and enjoys ranting about fashion art and music.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
Although I am a fashion and trend guru, I spent 5 years in the Financial industry, most recently as a Senior Contact Centre Manager.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
Building my business into a fashion destination.
How do you define cool?
Whatever makes you smile
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
The law of attraction states: like attracts like - I spend a lot of time reading other trend hunters posts, visiting other trend hunting sites and more. These trends inspire me to do more research which often branches off into more and more fresh trends. Also when I travel I see a lot of trend setting things, I take note of them in my Blackberry and blog about them when I get the chance.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
Discovering something fresh, that next it item. Knowing something that others don't, knowing it first is a thrill.
What is your favorite trend?
This changes everyday.
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Write honestly, write with humor and write from your heart.
How do you reset to be creative?
If time allows, I wake up early and sneak my laptop into the living room
What inspires or excites you?
Fashion Week (Pick your City)
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Schools will be dual purpose, Public schools in the morning (7 - 3) High School in the evening 3 - 10. High School Students will need to work during the day to drive the economy due to a labour shortage from retired boomers.
Designers Think Pink
Designers Think Pink
10 Pink Outfits To Celebrate The Rosy Return in Spring 2009
Barbie’s favourite color has fallen in and out of fashion several times over the decades. A few years ago, pink saturated the market, but had since dissipated in recent collections. Pink, a color people… MORE
Headphone Splitters
Headphone Splitters
The Belkin Rockstar for Your iPod Lets You Share Your Tunes in Style
Have you ever tried to share a pair of earphones with a friend so you could both listen to the same song? We have all tried it--some with more success then others. Most improvised options aren't very hygienic… MORE
Windshield-Inspired Mirrors
Windshield-Inspired Mirrors
Wiper Mirror Provides a Squeaky Clean Bathroom Solution
Who would have thought that by adding an ugly part of a car (a windshield wiper) to an everyday item from the bathroom (a mirror) that you could have something so beautiful? Thankfully, somebody took the… MORE
Power Plant-Inspired Mugs
Power Plant-Inspired Mugs
'Chimney Cups' Fused to Saucers to Keep Fidgety Hands Quiet
Just imagine preparing a nice hot cup of tea for you and your grandmother and not having to worry about that awful clanging noise of the cup and saucer as you prepare to serve them.  Inspired by the… MORE
Eye-Popping Spring Fashion
Eye-Popping Spring Fashion
Pantone's Top 10 Colors for Spring 2009 Are Bright, Fresh and Fun
Another season of cutting-edge fashion will reveal another season of cutting-edge color! Our friends at Pantone have worked diligently to compile their list of this spring's must-have tones in your wardrobe.… MORE
Biodegradable Cutlery
Biodegradable Cutlery
Aspenware Lets You Have Your Fork And Compost It Too
As we all try and live our lives as green as possible, once simple pleasures such as having a family BBQ with disposable plates and cutlery have now become taboo. Aspenware, a company based in British… MORE
Portable Naughty Entertainment
Portable Naughty Entertainment
FyreTV Allows You To Be Amused Anywhere
Just when you thought the Adult Entertainment Industry was becoming boring, they come up with yet another way to keep you happy. FyreTV, which is a TV box adult subscription service, has taken their technology… MORE
Splurge-Worthy Airport Shopping
Splurge-Worthy Airport Shopping
Heathrow's Terminal 5 Rivals Rodeo Drive (UPDATE)
For those of you who have spent countless hours waiting in airports and wasting time reading a horrible paperback or trying to sleep on an uncomfortable chair, things are looking up. Heathrow’s Terminal… MORE
Vinyl Gets A Second Life
Vinyl Gets A Second Life
Music Becomes Fashion
Think twice before you chuck out that vinyl that has been collecting dust in your (or maybe your parents) attic. You just might be able to turn it into the next fashion it item. James DesRocher has done… MORE
Fashion for all Ages
Fashion for all Ages
American Eagle Launches 77KIDS
American Eagle, umbrella company to American Eagle Outfitters, Martin & Osa as well as intimates chain Aerie has added a new addition to their retail family called 77kids. American Eagle is entering the… MORE
CSA Gives You Piece of the Pie (er Sheep)
CSA Gives You Piece of the Pie (er Sheep)
MVKnits Wool Shares
As the world grows smaller many of us are trying to live within our means more and more. One such way is through community supported agriculture. Associations have sprung up across the globe offering… MORE
Hot Spring Fashion Hues
Hot Spring Fashion Hues
Top 5 Blues For Spring 2008
Spring fashions will soon be adorning the shelves of our fav boutiques, and this year, like any other, the colour blue will be a large part of the spring pallet; however, this time around there is something… MORE