Young-Suk Kim's +-Water is the greatest device to stop water waste that I have ever seen. +-Water attaches to any household faucet and converts the liters of water that flow out into cold hard cash.
The best way to get people to stop doing anything is to show them how much their actions hurt their pocketbook. Young-Suk Kim's +-Water does exactly that. I know I'd be a lot more conscious of how much water I use doing the dishes if I could see how much it was costing me.
Taxing Taps
Young-suk Kim's +-Water Calculates the Cost of Keeping the Faucet Flowing
Trend Themes
1. Water Conservation - Young-Suk Kim's +-Water device encourages water conservation by converting water usage into monetary value.
2. Behavioral Economics - By highlighting the cost of water usage, +-Water taps into behavioral economics to influence consumer behavior.
3. Smart Home Technology - The +-Water device is a prime example of smart home technology that helps track and manage resource consumption.
Industry Implications
1. Water Management - The +-Water device presents an opportunity for innovative solutions in water management and conservation.
2. Consumer Technology - The +-Water device demonstrates the potential for consumer technology to promote sustainable practices.
3. Home Appliances - Incorporating the +-Water technology into home appliances could disrupt the traditional water consumption habits of households.