Grassy Sasquach Sculptures

Yeti by Misstika Lets Passers-By Become a Grass-Covered Bigfoot

Some hikers swear to his true existence, but could it be that they've just come across Yeti by Misstika on a moonless night in New York City?

This grassy sculpture is featured at the 2011 Figment Festival in NYC alongside a range of unusual pieces of interactive art. The bushy green Bigfoot has been designed in the hulking ape-like image of the mythical creature, sewn with soil and strips of sod to give him a friendlier look.

The figure becomes all the more amicable when visitors to the outdoor exhibitions take their places behind the cutout figurine. A hole created in the head of the statue allows anyone to put his face into this Yeti by Misstika, instantly brightening up the green beast with a lighthearted smile.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Outdoor Art - Creating interactive art installations in public spaces that encourage visitor participation by allowing them to interact with the art.
2. Green Sculptures - Using vegetation or natural materials in the creation of sculptures for an eco-friendly and sustainable art form.
3. Mythical Creatures - Incorporating mythical creatures, legends and folklore to bring a sense of mystery, magic and whimsy in public spaces through art installations.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - Creating innovative art installations that use interactive components and sustainable materials.
2. Tourism & Hospitality - Developing interactive art installations in tourism hotspots to attract visitors and generate excitement in the community.
3. Event Planning - Incorporating unique and eco-friendly interactive art installations to elevate public events and create a memorable experience for attendees.

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