Ever since the Xbox 360 has hit the markets there have been few mods, most of which have been total flops, until now. Head in the Game Controllers have taken the Xbox controller and vamped it specifically for the #1 selling Xbox game, Halo. The present controller layout for the game is practical yes, however it is not being utilized to obtain maximum performance whilst pwning.
To obtain the ultimate ergonomics, Head in the Game Controllers have moved the A, B, X, and Y buttons to the underside of the controller where your fingers would be placed to hold the controller, makes sense no? giving your thumbs a break from stretching out over the game pad and the confidence to know that you won't hit jump instead or reload. Ranging from $70 - $90, it wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft wanted in on this 'why didn't I think of that' innovation.
Xbox Controllers Get Tweaked For Halo
Xbox Controllers Get Tweaked For Halo
Trend Themes
1. Customized Gaming Controllers - There is an opportunity for companies to explore customizing gaming controllers for specific video games to enhance performance.
2. Ergonomic Gaming Accessories - Companies can explore designing gaming accessories with better ergonomics for the comfort of gamers.
3. Innovative Modifications for Existing Products - Opportunities exist for companies to make innovative modifications to existing products to enhance their performance and desirability in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Hardware - The gaming hardware industry can benefit from exploring customized controllers and ergonomic gaming accessories.
2. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry can explore product modifications to enhance the user experience and make their products stand out in the market.
3. Tech Accessories - The tech accessories industry can benefit from exploring ergonomic modifications to existing products, increasing the value and desirability of their offerings.