Playful Plywood Stools

The Woodini by Bakery is a Piece of Avant-Garde Home Decor

The Woodini by Bakery is a piece of avant-garde home decor. These distinctly designed stools are sturdy, and would look great around any kitchen table or bar. What makes these stools unique is that they are three-dimensional, but are cut from two-dimensional plywood. The Woodini seats are made from bright polymer sheets, and are screwed to the plywood in the four corners of the stool. Once secured, the polymer gets a slight dip in the center making it very comfortable to sit upon.

The Israeli founders Ran Amitai and Gilli Kuchik created Bakery in 2009 after attending the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, Israel. These designers focus on creating innovative products by experimenting with new materials and technologies. They manage to be a couple in real life while creating one-of-a-kind pieces with well-crafted designs.
Trend Themes
1. Avant-garde Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new materials and technologies to create unique and innovative home decor products.
2. Three-dimensional Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop techniques to create three-dimensional products from two-dimensional materials, opening possibilities for cost-effective and efficient manufacturing processes.
3. Bright Polymer Sheets - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Investigate the use of vibrant polymer sheets in furniture design for enhanced aesthetic appeal and improved comfort experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement advanced manufacturing technologies to revolutionize furniture production and create innovative designs.
2. Interior Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate avant-garde home decor elements to redefine the boundaries of traditional interior design and create unique living spaces.
3. Material Science - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new polymers and materials for furniture construction to enhance durability, comfort, and aesthetic appeal.

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