Subway-Inspired Colorful Highlighters

Wonjun Jo Designs the New Modular LINE Highlighters

Wonjun Jo draws inspiration from the function and modular performance of subway lines with the new LINE highlighter series. The design notes that many different countries have different train systems that function respective to their own system.

Many of these are color-coded to indicate the travel of each train and this is translated to the highlighters as well. The highlighter itself is also shaped like a train with a front car as the cap and a rectangular block as the rest of the body. It comes in removable segments in different colors that look like its own train carts. These are modular and can be changed around and altered as one pleases. Notably, these can also be filled again or the tips can be replaced if needed.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Highlighters - Modular highlighters that are modular and customizable can be a disruptive innovation in stationary industry
2. Subway-inspired Stationary - Subway-inspired stationary that highlights function, modularity, and design can be a disruptive innovation in stationary industry
3. Color-coded Stationary - Color-coded stationary that is designed to increase productivity can be a disruptive innovation in stationary industry
Industry Implications
1. Stationary - The stationary industry can benefit from incorporating modular and customizable designs inspired by the subway system
2. Design - Design professionals can learn from the function and modularity of the subway system for their own designs
3. Education - Educational institutions can benefit from implementing color-coded stationary for increased productivity and organization

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