Simple Industrial Seating

The Wireframe Chair Duo Designed by Nissa Kinzhalina is Sculptural

If your tastes run to the industrial and minimalist, chances are you will absolutely call in love with the design of this wireframe chair set.

Based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Nissa Kinzhalina designed the furniture in two styles. There is a high chair for bar-style seating as well as a lower one for dining. The flat portion of the high chair could also double as a standing desk. They pair quite nicely together as well.

Aptly dubbed the Gentle Hint Chairs, the pieces are the bare minimum of what is required to actually sit. The wireframe chair is made out of powder-coated metal.

It is not currently available. However, Nissa's company NN Brand Design offers furniture in a similar style.
Trend Themes
1. Industrial Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create wireframe furniture that embraces the industrial aesthetic and minimalist design.
2. Minimalist Furniture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop wireframe furniture that focuses on simplicity and functionality, appealing to minimalist design lovers.
3. Versatile Seating - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design wireframe chairs that serve multiple purposes, such as doubling as standing desks or adjustable-height seating.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate wireframe elements into furniture designs to provide a unique and modern aesthetic.
2. Interior Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create wireframe furniture that complements modern interior design trends and appeals to minimalist consumers.
3. Office Furniture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop wireframe chairs that cater to the growing demand for versatile and space-saving furniture in work environments.

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