Large companies that provide your basic amenities can often feel impersonal, but this Wien Energy 'Reliable Energy' campaign insists that this one Austrian company is on the front line for your needs.
Designed by the Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann ad agency, these prints for the Wien Energy 'Reliable Energy' campaign strike a note of humor and humanity. Next time you need to take a bath or drive to the grocery store, Wien Energy's workers will literally be your vessel.
People as Lampposts
The Wien Energy 'Reliable Energy' Campaign Gets Personal
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Energy Providers - Companies are realizing the benefits of adding a human touch to their operations, providing personalized services that make customers feel valued and improve customer engagement.
2. Humor and Humanity in Advertising - Advertising campaigns that infuse humor and relatable human experiences are gaining traction and resonate well with audiences.
3. Social Responsibility Advertising - Consumers care about the social responsibility of companies they do business with, making it more important than ever for companies to highlight these values in their advertising campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Energy Providers - Energy companies can embrace personalized services and social responsibility messaging to position themselves as humanistic and socially-conscious providers of essential services.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can utilize humor and relatable human experiences to create campaigns that are more engaging and resonate with audiences.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Companies can highlight their social responsibility values and initiatives in their marketing campaigns to improve their reputation among consumers, and to attract customers who prioritize these values.