Bioplastic-Made Home Interiors

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Natural Material Studio Presents the White Utopia Installation

Danish firm Natural Material Studio curates the special White Utopia installation as a part of 3 Days of Design and it is made as a futuristic fossil-free home interior where all of the elements of the space are made from the same bioplastic -- this includes the curtains, sofa, and everything else.

The most impressive part of the space is the Procel bioplastic made to create functional furniture across all three rooms -- the dining room, lounge, and bedroom with a walk-in closet. Studio founder Bonnie Hvillum speaks about the design process to Dezeen, stating "The installation has for sure been the most challenging to date due to the complexity in scale and the three-dimensionality of the whole 'house.' You can really start to see how we can live with these new materials."
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Home Interiors - The use of bioplastic for all interior elements creates an eco-friendly living environment.
2. Furniture Made From Bioplastic - Procel bioplastic functional furniture showcases the potential for sustainable design in residential spaces.
3. Three-dimensional Eco-friendly Installations - Complex installations like White Utopia demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale, sustainable interior designs.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The integration of bioplastic materials transforms traditional home décor with sustainable alternatives.
2. Furniture Manufacturing - Bioplastic-based furniture signals a shift towards more eco-conscious production methods in the industry.
3. Sustainable Materials - Innovations in bioplastic materials drive new possibilities in environmentally friendly construction and design.

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