Tech-Free H20 Conservation Devices

The 'FloSTEM' Water Saving Device Tracks Your Usage

The 'FloSTEM' water-saving device provides users with a way to curb their H2O consumption without having to deal with complex technology or setups.

Created by 3form Design, the device works by being affixed onto water faucets and instantly going to work to track the actual volume of H2O that is used. This comes as a contrast to the other solutions on the market that will track the time over the volume, which in turn could help to decrease the amount of water used.

The 'FloSTEM' water saving device identifies the need for more conservation products to satisfy consumer preferences for resource restriction on a domestic basis. As concerns about resource scarcity increase, we'll likely see more similar products permeating the market within the coming months and years.
Trend Themes
1. Water Conservation Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop more efficient and user-friendly water-saving devices that track water volume instead of time.
2. Consumer Resource Restriction - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create products that cater to consumers' desire to conserve resources on a domestic level.
3. Increasing Concerns About Resource Scarcity - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design more sustainable solutions that address the growing concerns about resource scarcity.
Industry Implications
1. Home Improvement - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce water-saving devices into the home improvement industry to meet consumer demand for eco-friendly solutions.
2. Smart Home - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate water conservation devices into the smart home industry to provide consumers with convenient ways to save water.
3. Environmental Sustainability - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop technologies and initiatives within the environmental sustainability industry to tackle resource scarcity and promote conservation.

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