Swimmer Floatation Necklaces

The 'PLOOTA' Water Safety Device Protects Swimmers at All Times

Swimming can quickly turn dangerous in a variety of different ways, so the 'PLOOTA' water safety device aims to enable wearers to ensure they're always covered in case of a problem. The 'PLOOTA' works by being worn around the neck whenever you're heading into the water for a swim, partaking in some water sports or even as a precautionary device for those who can't swim while they are near water. If the 'PLOOTA' detects that you are underwater for too long it will automatically deploy the floatation equipment to bring you back to the surface to prevent you from drowning.

The 'PLOOTA' water safety device is an effective piece of equipment that can be used by kids and adults alike to stay safe in the water.
Trend Themes
1. Water Safety Devices - The rise of water safety devices presents opportunities for tech innovators to create wearable sensors that provide better protection to swimmers when they swim or partake in water sports
2. Intelligent Swimwear - Intelligent swimwear can be created that allows data monitoring of the user's vital stats and sends alerts in an emergency to preempt a dangerous situation
3. AI Detection for Accident Prevention - Emerging opportunities in the field of AI detection could be leveraged to create predictive accident prevention devices that are capable of identifying irregular activities in the water body and alerting the rescue team
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies can explore the opportunities of integrating water safety devices into wearable technology
2. Sports Equipment - The sports equipment industry can create safety accessories for swimmers that are designed to boost their confidence when swimming
3. Healthcare - Companies in healthcare space can create water safety devices for swimmers with disabilities to ensure their safety and improve their quality of life

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