Combative Discount Apps

The WarBot App Rewards Play with Discounts

The WarBot app is a new way for businesses to offer discounts to consumers. The app is an augmented reality game that challenges players to defeat an armed robot in combat. Should the player win, then they are rewarded with a discount. If the player loses, then no discount is rewarded, but the shopper can try again.

The WarBot app was created by Augmented Pixels and is designed for the iPad. To use the app, all you need to do is hold it in front of a store shelf. The game begins once the app spots compatible packaging. The game itself doesn't appear to be too hard to play, but it's more about offering a discount in a unique way as opposed to a challenging experience.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Discounts - Using AR technology to create a playful and unique discount experience for customers.
2. Gamified Consumer Engagement - Creating interactive games for customers to drive engagement and sales.
3. Interactive In-store Marketing - Using technology to create interactive marketing experiences in-store that offer discounts and drive sales.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Using the WarBot app to offer customers discounts on products in-store.
2. Gaming - Using the WarBot app as a game to engage customers and introduce new products in a playful way.
3. Marketing - Using the WarBot app as an interactive marketing tool to drive customer engagement, loyalty, and sales.

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